Chapter 4. Team?

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Age: 7

(Edited chapter)

Your POV

A year had passed, the whole year was filled with training and helping out the Hokage. A year full of fun but also hard work.

Knocking onto the door I called out to the Hokage, "Lord Hokage-sama, may I enter?" I asked. "Yes, come on in child."

"(Y/N). Throughout this year you've been working very hard. You were supposed to go to the academy with kids on your level, but I held you back for a year due to your lack of social skill and confidence." Hiruzen explained.

"It's time for you to form team skills. I need you to be able to work with other people, especially people of your age."

"Team? With who???" I asked him curiously. "I've asked the sensei, whom you met at the academy, to form a group for you, so you will be with-" Hiruzen's sentence got cut off due to the door being opened with a big ruckus.

Two male voices started yelling at each other from behind me so I turned around to see an older man with brown hair, whom I recognized to be the academy teacher, and two boys who looked a few years older than me.

"I HATE YOU KAKA- (Y-Y/N)?!" I tilted my head as one of the boys said my name "How do you know my- wait aren't you ... uhm...... Obito?" I asked uncertain whether or not that was his name.

"Yeah! It's me, Obito! Wah~ Im glad you remembered my name!" He stated with a huge grin plastered on his face. "Where have you been? I thought you would join our class. I couldn't even find you at the Uchiha compound." Obito mumbled.

"You were looking for me? Thats so nice!" My ears reddened slightly. "I couldn't join the academy because of some problems." I explained with a small smile.

"So who is the little girl?" The white haired boy asked. 'Little girl... That's kinda, not nice to hear from someone only a few years older than me.' I frowned. "Uchiha (Y/N). Nice to meet you." I held my hand out for a handshake.

He smacked my hand away, "What's a kid like you doing in the Hokage's office?"

I stared at my hand in disbelief of his rudeness, "I don't have to answer that. There is no reason for me to tell someone who has no manners such information." I scolded while crossing my arms.

Obito started laughing very loudly. "Noway- pffft- she called you mannerless pfffttttt- Thats amazing." his eyes had tears in them as he clutched his stomach due to the pain of laughing but he couldn't stop.

"(Y/N)." the Hokage suddenly started speaking silencing all of us. Until now he had been talking to that sensei. "Lord Hokage-sama?" I replied.

"Your team has been decided. I expect great results from you." He stated. "Yes sir." I bowed. "I won't disappoint you, lord Hokage-sama."

A knock interrupted our conversation. "Come in." Hiruzen stated. A blonde haired man walked inside with a brown haired girl.

Obito's entire face turned bright red at the sight of the brown haired girl. I curiously looked over with a smile, 'That's so cute.'

Uchiha (Y/N) (Naruto/Akatsuki Various X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now