A thousand thank you's plus 1!!!

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Hello you guyssss! So seeing as Ive been writing this story for around 2 years now *cough* I know I took one whole year break but *cough* I realized that I haven't been interacting with my readers.

I only came to realize this because of a writer who private messaged me after I commented on their story. Confused, I had asked them whether this is usual, seeing as I am a very very pathetic amateur writer.

They told me that they usually do things like that, and I was shocked as hell because damn I really neglected my lovely readers, how could I???

So, from now on Im going to do my best to interact more with you guys! And with this special chapter I hope that you all will forgive me!

Please continue to read Uchiha (Y/N) (Naruto/Akatsuki Various X Reader), Thank you very much!!!

Love, Karma aka the pure THRASH that wrote this book.


"My head spins whenever I think about her, the oh so beautiful (Y/N)." Orochimaru sighed with a lovestruck face. Kabuto on the other hand, seemed more than just disgusted by the fact that this old guy holds a crush on Konoha's beauty.

Though this was no unusual sight. Orochimaru always believed that (Y/N) would bring the ultimate child, a child so strong that would overpower the whole galaxy.

Yet this women seemed to be completely out of reach for practically everyone. Except for one man of course, Kakashi Hatake. Which brought many people to loathe him immensely.

Not only Orochimaru, but also the whole of the Akastuki...

The air around the base seemed depressing, it has been like this ever since (Y/N) left. No matter how shitty her attitude was from time to time, everyone loved her.

Kakuzu's five hearts started beating hurriedly at the thought of her, Deidara's face became as red as Sasori's hair whenever remembering her smile.

Sasori himself made several dolls of (Y/N), unconsciously when he was bored. Flustered he immediately hid them with several locks too so nobody would find out.

The base seemed much quieter without (Y/N)'s presence, this definitely made Pain uneasy. Over the years he really formed a bond with (Y/N), from time he even thinks about sending a mission with the whole of Akatsuki just to get her back from Konoha.

Honestly, everyone just had their own way of dealing with losing (Y/N). No one was any less affected by it, and the whole base was gloomy.

Itachi found it somewhat hilarious though, the fact that they all were so incredibly hung up over his older sister. When he went by Kyoukai and told him about everything, Kyoukai laughed his ass off.

But both brothers definitely understood how they felt. (Y/N) was their precious sister, the only living female of their entire family.

In short, everbody agreed to one thing, Uchiha (Y/N) had some sort of way to attract people. And it was almost devilish how she could make someone fall for her in a few seconds.

Yeah she was completely stunning, and powerful at that. But those weren't the reasons nobody could get (Y/N) out of their heads. If it wasn't that, what is it?

A question that remains unanswered for now, but what will all of these lovestruck idiots do when the oh so strong (Y/N) gets affected by a certain jutsu?

"K-Kakashi sensei..." Naruto's voice startled Kakashi who was reading his favorite book, make out in paradise. "What is it?" Kakashi asnwered.

Nervous, Sasuke seemed to be hiding something behind three. On the other side of the three Naruto looked equally as nervous.

Naruto seemed hesitant before speaking up. "We uh.. Well we kind of were messing around a bit and uhm well Onee-san, she.. She released some sort of highly skilled genjustu on herself that neither of us know. And well.. Now she's like this!" Sasuke pulled out what he was hiding behind the three, Kakashi's mouth fell wide open.

A small version of you was holding onto Sasuke's arm really tightly. A scared look spread onto your face.

Soft looking black hair into two braids, Sharingan on display, and only 80 centimeters tall. Thats what you looked like at the moment. All well your face seemed somewhat like the beautiful refined chiseled face from the 21 year old you, your body had been shrinken to Naruto's hip size.

Kakashi just pointed at you with his mouth wide open, "Wh-what the hell happened to my women?!" He managed to yell out.

"Excuse you?! Who are you calling 'Your women'?! Huh?! I haven't given you my approval yet so don't go holding your head high dumbass-sensei!" Sasuke gave him a furious look as he yelled harshly at Kakashi, resulting into startling little you.

Scared, you let go off Sasuke's arm and backed away with a terrified expression. "Sasuke! You're scaring Onee-san.. or uhm, kid onee-san?" Naruto pointed accusingly at Sasuke before getting confused with himself.

"Ah, (Y-Y/N)-chan, don't be scared. Kakashi is here, remember me?" Kakashi said in a soothing voice but with the most nervous look om his face. Shakily, you shook your head in reply.

But just a a second later you were already hiding behind Sasuke again. Earning a big sigh from Kakashi.

"Hello, (Y/N) chan, I am Naruto, and you raised me but we can talk about that some other time." extreme confusion crossed you as Sasuke hit Naruto on the back of his head.

With another sigh, Kakashi picked little you up. You squirmed to get out but his grip was too strong for you to even move. You hit his arm to release you but to no avail as Kakashi just went to scold the two troublemakers.

"Ahhh ahhh!!" You then went, catching the attention of all three. "At what age do kids talk again? she seems about 4 years old." Kakashi said while looking at Sasuke. "Don't ask me, Im no good with children."

An emotionless expression spread onto your face while you stared staight into their souls, "She's adorable but at the same time.. So creepy?" Naruto muttered while the others agreed.

You then pointed at Sasuke, and a huge, adorable, bright smile formed. Everyone's heart just melted.

"You know what, Im fine with her being like this,"

"You're only saying that because she liked you the most, Sasuke teme."


There will come a second part of this, taking place in the Akatsuki hideout!!

Thank you for reading, love you all so much!!!!


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