How, Do, Should, I

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How do I explain to you that I still like you?

How do I explain that I talk about other guys in front of you to see how you would react?

How do I explain that I do not know why I still like you?

How do I explain that I do not know how these feelings for you even developed?

Do I try to tell you again that I like you?

Do I hold it in and never tell you?

Do I try to figure out why I like you?

Should I write you a poem that ended up becoming a letter for you that explains my confusion?

Should I tell you again?

Should I act on instinct one day and grab your face and bring it close to mine?

Should I just keep this to myself?

I want to tell you again, but at the same time I don't.

I want to grab your face and bring it close to mine whenever our faces become at least six inches away.

I want to hold your hand the second that our flesh touches each other.

I want to be held by you on those cold lonely nights.


attempt any of these things with you?

attempt to go about even attempting any of these things with you?


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