Blackwatch! Genji x Clumsy! Reader | Hidden Feelings

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Hi! Finally I have gotten a chance to write this. Enjoy!

All you could hear were your footsteps, as you sprinted through the halls of the Overwatch headquarters in Switzerland. You were late, very late. You had to train with Genji today, as Angela (Mercy) had to run some tests for some of the prototypes that were going to be added to Genji's cyborg body. You really liked Genji, but unfortunately he didn't really seem to like you back, as you helped to turn him into a 'Monster'. You were only doing your job, helping with his cybernization. You were the one who made sure he kept as much as humanity as possible, but he didn't seem very grateful for it.

You turned a corner, smashing into Jack Morrison (Solider 76), who had a handful of paperwork, sending both of you straight to the ground.

"Watch were your going cadet!" Jack shouted picking up the paper work he was holding. "You need to be more careful, that's the third time this week."

"I'm so sorry commander," you said, helping to pick up the papers "its just I'm running late."

"When aren't you running late cadet, you need to get into the hang of being on time, or I will have to move you to Blackwatch." Jack said with a sigh, taking the remaining papers from you hands and getting up.

"Sorry commander, I will try be on time more often." you said running off. Jack sighed as he continued to walk to his office.

You finally reached the doors to the testing and training facility, you entered your pin into the key pad, making the door open.

"Sorry I'm late!" you shouted getting Angela's attention.

"Ahh, (Y/N), you really need to get here on time, we've been waiting half an hour for you now." Angela said walking over to you to give you your weapons.

"Sorry Angela, It didn't help that I ran into the commander on the way here." you said sheepishly, taking your pistol and throwing knifes from Angela.

"Took you long enough." Genji said bluntly giving you an ice cold glare.

"Sorry," you murmured, attaching your throwing knifes to your belt and loading your pistol. You walked to your staring position, and stood there waiting for Angela's signal. Angela brought he hand down and you instantly take a throwing knife and throw it at Genji's chest, making him bring his sword up to defend himself.

"Nice try." he said sarcastically. Genji then double jumped over you and threw some shurikens into your back. You flinched from the pain but span around drawing your pistol and firing it, hitting his cybernetic arm. You then ran for cover, but before you could make it, you tripped, falling flat on your face, smashing your head the corner of a ledge on the way down.

"Oww..." you said bringing your hand to your head, noticing it was bleeding.

"Your so pathetic, you can't even fight properly, let alone be a cybernetic engineer. I mean look at what you did to me." Genji sneered, making tears blur you vison.

"I helped save your life-No, I helped save your humanity! Well I thought I did, but now I've noticed that I shouldn't of spent the hundreds of hours I spent on making your cybernetic limbs, and trying to preserve your humanity to the best I could, because even though I thought, I believed that I saved your humanity, you were right all along, you're a monster! An-and I really like you, even though you treat me like trash, but you make sure to make it perfectly clear that you don't like me back!" you shouted through your tears, catching Genji off guard. You then struggled to you feet and ran out of the training ground, tears streaming down your face, hearing Angela shouting at Genji. You ran to your room, sat down and started to cry even more, repeating the words that Genji said to you over and over again in your head. Knowing that the man you loved truly despised you.

After crying for a good hour you got up off the floor, and decided to finally tend to your wounds. You pulled the shurikens from you back, and cleaned the wounds, then you tended to your head, cleaning the wound and wrapping a bandage round it, to stop your hair getting in it. You then walked into your kitchen, got a tub of ice cream out of the freezer and sat on your sofa, turning on the TV and stuffing your face with the ice cream.

~Time skip brought to you by Genji's HEALING~

You felt your eyes getting heavy, so you looked at the clock to see it was eleven pm. You were about to get up to go to bed, when you heard a knock at your door.

"Come in, its open," you yell, wondering who it was.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)." A voice called out, it was Genji's. "I- I just, I- thought, thought that no one would ever except me for who I am, bu-"

"Its fine Genji, I get it, it must be hard getting used to so many cybernetic parts, I mean it took me years to get used to my leg, I'd hate to think how hard it must be to get used to a whole new body. And also I should be the one apologising, I lost my temper, your not a monster, your just upset that your body had to be replaced and that you don't feel the same as you did." you butted in tears starting to well up in your eyes again.

"Wait you have a cybernetic limb?" Genji asked.

"Yeah," you replied, lifting up your trouser leg slightly to reveal metal plating.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), I didn't know and I can't bear the thought that I made you cry, the thing I really like you too, but I thought that you'd never like me back, because of what I am, who I am. That's why I was always so cold and short with you, to cover up my feelings for you." Genji said removing his mask and placing a gentle kiss on your head where the bandage is and then another one on your lips.

"I'll always love you." you said, kissing his nose.

"And I'll always love you too, (Y/N)" Genji replied, wrapping his arms around you waist and pulling you into a warm hug.

Sorry if I made Genji seem really mean. Hopefully I can get some more stories up soon. Please if you notice any mistakes in my stories please let me know and I'll correct them. Also thank you all for 70+ reads! It means so much to know that people are actually reading this. :)


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