Vampire Hunter! McCree x Vampire! Reader | Lil' Lady

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Hi, thanks for choosing my book! My grammar and punctuation might be off so I apologise in advance. Also this one shot is set the same sort of time as Jukenstein's revenge is, so there are no phones or computers!

It was a dark gloomy night, you were stood on the roof of a townhouse you looked down on the street below, watching large rats run through the streets, climbing into piles of trash that were scattered around. Everywhere was quiet but you decided to take a walk as you were getting board so you hummed yourself a song as you started to make your way down from roof.

You walked around for a while looking at all the buildings you passed, taking in their beauty. It's a shame really, because ever since word got out that you were a vampire people started to barricade all their doors and windows when it came to nightfall. People stops talking to you and some even went to the extent of hanging garlic from little ropes to keep you out. This upset you because you only ever drank the blood of the people who did bad in the town and before people found out you were a vampire you were friends with most the towns people as in the day you would wear a thick cloak to cover your skin from the raging sun.

Morning was approaching fast so you decided to take a quick look around the town centre as sometimes traders would come in the very early hours of the morning, so you decided to see if you could go trade with anyone. So you set off in that direction.

You were nearing the fountain when you heard a voice from behind.
"Well,well,well what do we have here?" The voice had a thick western accent that you found kind of attractive. You spun around to see a man with thick brown hair that reached his shoulders. He had a black hat on with a black coat and a red handkerchief. He had lots of belts that looked like they held all sorts of different potions. His face looked gruff and he had a scruffy beard that looked unkept. "Looks like we've got ourselves a vampire," He said looking right at you you backed away slowly until your back hit a wall. "Well hello lil' lady I know you have a nice price on your head. Now be a dear and go quietly." He said smirking, lifting his revolver to your head. You noticed that he had a wooden stake in his left hand.
"Please don't kill me!" you said throwing you hands up in defence "I only ever drink from people who do bad things." The hunter lowered his gun ever so slightly, still holding the stake in his hand ready to strike.
"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you." He said bluntly.
"I already said I only drink the blood of bad people and I try not to hurt and innocent people." You exclaimed. The hunter leaned in close so that your faces were nearly touching. You could feel your face start to heat up.
"Why would the people of the town put such a high price on a pretty little face if you haven't done anything bad then sugarbean?" His breath smelt like tobacco and alcohol and all his pet names for you made your face go an even darker red.
"I don't know maybe their just scared of me or something." You muttered.
"Well I'm not going to kill you because I don't hurt lil' ladies like yourself, as long as you promise not to tell anyone I let you go deal?" He said his lips nearly touching yours now.
"D-deal." You stuttered, cursing yourself afterwards for doing so.
"Wait," The hunter teased smirking "does the little vampire like me?"
"N-no I don't!" You shouted making him laugh.
"Right if you say so." He said pressing his lips against yours. The kiss was short but sweet. As if to tease you. After he pulled away, he turned and walked off saying "I'm sure we'll bump into each other in the future. I'll be looking forward to it. Oh and the names McCree. Jesse McCree." You touched you lips where he kissed you and smiles to yourself thinking,
"I'll be looking forward to it too."

I hope it was ok and I'll probably add a part 2 later. Also I'm currently working on a Demon! Hanzo x reader story. Hopefully I can get it up soon!

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