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"Dan, Dan okay I'm about to board, I'll talk to you when I land, okay?" Ty questions on the other end of the line. I can almost imagine her tilting her head to the side when saying it.

"Okay babe. I love you, and be safe okay?" I respond, grinning to myself as I position myself on the couch.

"You know I will," In the background I hear 'Passengers aboard flight 830, please report to the terminal at this time.' 

"Love you," I say one last time. 

"Love you too, Daniel," she giggles, hanging up the phone.

At this moment Phil walks into the room, "Was that her?"

"Yeah, she just boarded," I respond, grinning.

Phil grins back, "Well then, lets start planning."


Twelve o'clock in the morning, Chris, PJ, Phil, and I all fit on the couch watching the television.

"When is Ty getting here?" Chris asks, taking a sip of his Coke.

"She should be back by now, she was boarding at eleven..." I respond, checking my phone for any messages, there was nothing.

"The flight probably just got delayed, it might be stormy in Japan," PJ reassured, and Chris and Phil nodded in agreement.

"I hope she's home soon, we made a lot of food for her, I know how much she loves to eat," I say with an anxious tone in my voice.

I was genuinely worried. Even if she was delayed, she would've texted or called me.


I am the only remaining one awake.

The time is 3 AM, and still nothing from Ty.

With shaking hands, I flip the channel to the news, just in case.

"In other news, Flight 830 to London has been reported missing," the news announcer reported, a frown etched on her face, "We have been following this story since one AM, going to you, Jack."

"Thank you Deborah, yes, Flight 830 is missing. At 12:35 sharp, all connections to the flight disappeared."

I throw the remote at the TV and scream.

The other three wake up as I drop to the floor, tears streaming down my face.

"Dan? What happened?" Phil asks, leaning down to me.

I continue to scream and cry and roll on the floor, blubbering out a responce.

"What?" Chris asks.

" was reported, m-missing," I screech, covering my face with my hands.

My heart is racing and my head is throbbing and I want her in my arms right now, snuggled up next to me with pizza hanging out her mouth, watching Sherlock, like we always did.

She's in an unknown place right now, and I wish nothing more than to have gone with her on her flight so I'd be with her, and if so...die with her.

There is dead silence, other then my sobs and chokes.

"No, no it's not missing, no it's not, it's not, it's not," Phil shouts grabbing his phone off the glass coffee table, almost smashing his hand through the glass in the process, quickly unlocking his phone and pressing Ty's emergency contact and waiting.

More silence.

"Put it on speaker," Chris states.

Phil puts the phone on speaker, and we wait.

"Hi! You've tried calling me, Ty Austin, but obviously I just don't like you if I didn't answer. Or I'm pooping, but probably the first," giggles are heard in the background, probably her friend Sage. "But anyway yeah, leave a message after the beep," I hear muffled voices in the background before the beep sounds.

"H-hi Ty," Phil's voice begins. "It's um, it's Phil. We heard your flights missing, and this has to be another one of your world famous pranks, right? You even got the news crew in it. Ha, nice one Ty, but please answer, Dan and I and the other two are here, and we're all really worried and Dan's crying and this was a horrible prank, Ty, please pick up soon, we love yo-," Phil is cut off by a beeping sound.

"Dan, I'm so so-" 

"Don't be! Because she's not missing! This is all a fucking joke!" I shout, sobbing again.

And there the four of us stay, broken, sobbing, and hopeless.

okay i got this idea from reading a little phan one shot on tumblr, but this one is a lot different.

i may link it if you want. i dunno.


Flight 830 // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now