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They found bodies last week. There were pictures, and Phil didn't want to look at them. The bullet wound was horrible, Ty, horrible. It hurts to see you for the last time, and it's like that. 

They buried you on Monday, and I've been coming  every day Ty, I'm not going to stop and forget you, because I don't want us to end like that. I don't want it to end worse than it already has. 

I picked a bunch of dandelions for you. Remember how you would drag me outside and we'd sit in the park, and you'd pick one of them, close your eyes, make a wish, and blow? I picked one and wished for you to come back yesterday. 

You didn't. 

Phil came with me this time, because it's supposed to be your birthday today, and I think he knew I'd break down. 

I did. 


I uploaded yesterday too, and I laughed, like I knew you'd want me to do. It was nice. Phil and I did a phil is not on fire video. 

I know if you were alive, you'd slap me right now and tell me to get over it and buy an ice cream cone or something, and I did. It didn't help, so I'm still upset because what you'd say didn't work. 

I can't stop thinking about you, Ty, I never will. 

I love you.

I wish you'd say it back. 

last chapter! then there's the epilogue. 

Flight 830 // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now