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The plane was hijacked and they shot Ty in the head because she refused to obey the hijackers. 

I found that out last night. 

I didn't sleep at all, I stayed up thinking. 

Ty would be stubborn enough to get herself killed, I guess. It hurts to say it, but it's true.

I guess I'm better now that I know, but it doesn't stop the fact that my girlfriend is dead and I'll never hear her laugh in person again. 

I replay the video from two years ago, when I told everyone about her. I smile at the laughter we shared together, tears begging to stream down my face. 

And they succeed, again, like they've been doing since last month. 

Phil knocks on my door and opens it, a pained smile on his face. 

"Ready to go?" Phil questioned quietly. 

Phil and I were going to a vigil for Ty and all the other people who lost their lives on the plane. The plane was crashing as Ty was shot, and it sunk into the ocean. No survivors.

I pause the video and force myself to smile back, "Yeah, I'm ready."

I stand up and grab my shoes which wait by the door. We walk to the bus and silence, and we ride to the vigil in silence as well. 

We have to walk for about 5 more minutes before we're at the vigil, and candles are being passed around. Someone passes Phil and I one, and she smiles at us before she walks. She looks like a fan, but I'm not so sure. 

It's dark out, so the candle only makes out faces and hands. There are no words spoken as all the candles are lifted. A man starts speaking. 

"We gather today for the loss of everyone on flight eight thirty, which took the lives of over a hundred. All of us know there are evil people in this world who do evil things, and other people get harmed by them. This is life, and as much at it's a pain, there's no change. We pray for the loved ones of all who died, who are affected. I pray for loved ones of Ty Austin, who was shot moments before severe tragedy," her being shot was a severe tragedy. I say nothing, though. "Would anyone else like to speak?"

I should speak, I know I should. And I see a few glances at me, but I only shake my head, and the vigil ends with a prayer, the candles placed on the ground, and everyone leaves.

That's it.  

(the stories already coming to an end) 
sorry, that's why it's a short story. it's short. oops. 
it was more like a side project to have a reason to procrastinate from ilyf.

Flight 830 // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now