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"I-I had to tell the fans that you were on the missing plane, Ty, they were worried about you. Do you know how upset they were? They loved your tweets and videos, you know. I um - it's been two weeks Ty, where are you?" I expect a responce, for her to pick of the phone and yell 'sike!' 

She doesn't. 

I clutch her favorite shirt to my chest, careful not to get any of my tears in it. I lie on her bed, which I've remained in since the plane disappeared. 


"Dan, promise me you won't ever, ever die okay? Because if you do I'm going to walk right up to your casket and slap you." Ty told me, giggling as she twisted her hair between her fingers.

"Only if you promise me you won't die." I respond, turning to face her. She grins softly, shutting her green eyes and kissing me on my nose.

"Pinky promise?" She asks, holding out her pinky.

I link my pinky in hers, "Pinky promise." 

"Dan?" Phil questions, his voice almost at a whisper.

I don't even look at him, but nod my head for him to continue.

"D-do you want food? I made stir fry." He tells me.

I shake my head, bringing Ty's shirt closer to my face.

"You sure? Want me to save some for later? You haven't ate much know." He continues.

I sniffle, nodding. It was true, the only time I ate was when Phil forced me out of Ty's room.

"Dan, you need to stop. I know you're depressed or whatever, but your life is becoming to revolve around this plane. Our fans are worried Dan, do a liveshow, do something and at least try to act okay." Phil commands, walking over to me.

I glare at the ceiling, trying not to burst at him.

"Dan? Are you even listening to me?" Phil asks sternly.

"Shut up Phil!" I shout. "Just shut up, okay? You don't understand what it's like to lose the girl that you love, and you're not even sure if she's alive or not! I want to die with her, Phil! We were going to be that old married couple that dies holding hands or something but she's just -fuck Phil just go away!"

Phil sighs, and I watch him exit the room, slamming the door behind him.

Flight 830 // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now