Chapter Two

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During Lotor's short nap, Lance took it upon himself to brush through the long hair with a proper brush. With a quick search around the room to find a door that lead into a bathroom, he grabbed for something that looked like a brush. If he ever got back to Earth, he was going to introduce the alien races with hair and fur the magical wonders of using such an invention.

As gently as he could, he started to brush out the prince's hair. It was a tad softer than he thought it would be the more he ran the brush through it. Lance honestly wanted to push his face into the white hair to feel the softness of it, as creepy as the action was.

Resisting his odd urge, Lance found himself wanting to do more than brush out the hair. He checked Lotor's state, seeing the prince still asleep. For a moment he wondered what had Lotor so wound up to make him this tired. After all he was the Son of Zarkon, he must be used to dealing with the duties that his father bestowed on him from a young age.

'But if he's such a powerful enemy, why didn't Zarkon use his son earlier against Voltron?' It was a thought that Lance had since the first battle against the Prince when he was just a voice that taunted them in the shadows. But now the thought persisted as he spent a few hours with Lotor.

It made no sense in his mind why Zarkon didn't have his son along with him to take down the team. Maybe there was something else he was missing?

As he spent time bouncing between ideas about why Lotor wasn't there from the beginning, his hands started to form a braid at the base of the Galra's skull. He left the hair near the forehead alone, planning on trying to use it for a bun. It was a familiar action that Lance didn't even have to pay much attention to how tight the braid needed to be for the length of hair. He really should thank his sisters for teaching him if he ever went back home.

As Lance was reaching the end of the hair, Lotor started to stirr from his nap. The Galra groaned at the prospect of being awake, not wanting to face Haggar again if she decided to be overbearing.

Really he did win the title of being the ruler of the Empire and he wasn't about to be shadowed by the witch because they could accept that they could gain allies in a more peaceful way than pushing their way onto planets. At least that's what Lotor believed.

He sighed as moved his body into a sitting position. Then he felt his head tug backwards. Turning his head to look behind him, he saw the Red Paladin holding his hair as he twisted it into a braid. Lotor watched for a moment, captivated by how fast the other's hands moved. It was an action that was familiar to the Paladin and he noted that to the back of his mind.

Perhaps he could be more than bait after all.

"I guess I'll be fashionable for my Generals today." He finally spoke up after a few seconds of watching. The paladin jumped up slightly at his voice before sending a glare at him. It only caused Lotor to smirk back.

"I wasn't paying attention. Your hair is so soft by the way. How do you manage it being this long without going crazy? I mean I tried to grow it out when I was younger, but my mom said and I quote 'Your hair is too thin Lance. Growing it out wouldn't benefit your face at all.' " Lance rambled as he reached the end of the braid. His face grew slightly red as he realized he didn't have anything to tie it with.

"I managed it for many years as it grew out. At this point if I didn't know how to take care of it, then I would have failed myself poorly." Lotor said, reach into a basket he had on the bedside table. He gave the paladin a hair tie and Lance snatched it away, quickly tying up the end of the braid. "As for your mother, I do think her words had some truth to them."

"Why you're such a gentleman Lotor. Complimenting a guy on his thin ugly hair like that." Lance quipped.

"While it may not be flattering to be as long as mine, the length of it now certain compliments your face." He said back. He saw the paladins face change to a red colour. He theorized that that only happened to the paladin when they were embarrassed. Maybe even when they were extremely enraged.

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