Chapter 4

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The halls on the ship were silent as he walked down them. He assumed that the generals were still at the bridge, watching the battle that the fleet or Prince Lotor would have against his team. Which only served in his favour for escaping.

As he continued down many halls, he saw that the ship was different from other ships that he had gotten into for missions. The notable difference was that the halls and rooms weren't draped in dark colours with a glowing purple light. Instead they had light greys and white coupled with glowing yellow and purple lights.

Another difference was that separate parts of the ship could control the temperature. As Lance walked down the halls, he felt that the floor was slightly chilled while the walls seemed to give off heat. He couldn't find a panel anywhere which suggested that they were probably controlled from the bridge.

It was during these moments when seeing what alien species could come up with in terms of technology. For a moment, Lance wondered that if that there wasn't a Galra Empire out to take over the universe, that technologies that he saw during his missions could be shared with other species. That they could help each other to improve their lives rather than living in fear of the Galra Empire.

He reached the hanger, seeing many ships were in use. A few were left behind, obvious that they needed repair. While Lance had training in the Garrison to repair the ships that they had if left without the engineer for whatever reason, the Galra ships were unfamiliar enough that messing around to find out how they worked could cause an explosion that could hurt him. For a moment, he let his frustration loose. Then he caged it to the back of his mind and went forth to find another way to get away.

He wanted to be with his team, even if he was already replaced with Shiro as the Red Paladin.

As his bare feet padded against the chilled floor, he looked for anything that could aid him in his escape. There had to be something else besides ships in the hanger. Then he spotted an area between two ships that had a counter with cabinets above and below these counters. There was also a space towards the end of the counter where Lance could only assume were tools hanging up.

Stations were the best thing he could describe for what was in the spaces between where the ships parked. Lance assumed that they were there to store tools and other necessities close to the ships in case there was emergency that needed to be dealt with quickly.

Searching through several of the stations, all he could find was extra parts to the ship along with several other objects that were unidentifiable. He could feel himself getting frustrated at finding nothing and that he was useless without his bayard or the Red Lion.

Then he found something in the station closest to the hanger door. It looked to be a suit made to travel outside the ship, most likely for repairs. While it would be useless to him in any other situation, it would have to do for now. He had to escape while his team was close by. Lotor wouldn't spend that long in battle against his team, likely to be playing around with them like a cat with it's live prey.

He put on the suit, finding it was bigger than him like his clothing he was given. Again he couldn't complain as it was a way to escape. The helmet fit over his head with ease and didn't feel tight anywhere. With a deep breath, Lance went over to the closed hanger door. Looking it over, Lance saw it had no windows to see outside. There also wasn't any handles to open the door, causing some confusion in his mind for a moment.

That's when he realized that he couldn't open the door.

It was like any other Galra ship or colony building that Lance visited in the past. The Galra soldiers would use a hand scanner that proved that whoever was entering or exiting was in fact a Glara soldier. How could he have forgotten such an important detail when escaping?

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