Chapter 8

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To say that Lance was shocked at the appearance of the Faird prince's limbs would be obvious. Still he tried to keep his surprise to the minimum, unsure if it would be offensive or not to point out the obvious physical difference that Gabriel had from the rest of the people he had seen of the Faird. Cie only patted him once on the back before they wandered into a different part of the beautiful garden.

Lance knew that was their way of saying that he was left to try and talk to a royal member of an alien race by himself. With a hand, the prince motioned him to sit beside him. Lance took the last few steps towards the bench and sat down. For a few moments they stared at each other, taking in each other's appearance.

Lance saw the beautiful amber eyes that held so much intelligence in them. It reminded him of Lotor's eyes, cunning and seeing every possible angle of a situation that could benefit him and his future as Emperor of the Galra Empire.

Then the prince gave a smile that melted Lance's heart more than he would ever admit. "You have the same colour of eyes my mother had. She could make any person she came across to fall for her with those eyes." Gabriel said. The timber of his voice was soft, similar to when Lance would try to get one of his baby cousins to sleep.

"Glad to know I have such nice eyes that remind you of your mother." Lance mumbled, unsure how to answer the prince's statement.

"That's not the only thing nice about you, Prince Lotor's guest. Even if I could see your struggle over my appearance, I'm glad you didn't point it out." He said, his smile gaining a single dimple on one of his cheeks. Lance's heart melted even further.

"I just figured you would be insulted if I made a dramatic declaration. New alien race and all, I didn't know what would be insulting or not."

"A good mindset to have. But I do understand that someone will have questions after seeing the difference between me and the rest of my species. It's only natural for curiosity to arise." Gabriel said. Lance felt so hypnotized by the words as the other spoke to him. Yet despite that feeling he had around this alien prince, it wasn't the same as when he talked to Lotor.

"I imagine it becomes tiring when others only talk about your difference." Lance said in reply. As he said that, Gabriel's eyes shined with wonder that he couldn't quite understand. Still he couldn't look away, hoping to understand what the other was thinking.

"Such empathy. I wonder what species you are?" Gabriel asked, focusing his attention towards the garden for a moment.

"I'm human." Was all he could say. Again he was unsure what the Faird prince wanted. There was a guarded look around the prince's eyes despite being so expressive that made it impossible for Lance to figure out what the prince was after.

"The same as her then," Came the reply,"I always hoped to find another of her kind in my lifetime."

He felt his eyes widen at the other's statement. It felt like the time when Keith had admitted to being half Galra to the rest of the team. "Your mother was human? How is that possible this far out in the universe?"

"My father was known for his odd taste in other alien species. My mother happen to be one of those things." Gabriel said with a shrug of the shoulders. Still Lance could see he was staring off into the distance, as if he was reliving a memory. "He just happen to like her enough to marry her and then have me."

"She must have been something else." Lance said quietly. All Gabriel did was hum in agreement. The two of them stayed like that for a while, not disturbing each other from their thoughts.

Lance saw Cie trimming some of the vines on the wall that were either growing too big or were dying off. They used their blade like limbs to do this task and he was entranced by how graceful they looked as did it. For a few moments he stared at them as they continued with their task.

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