Chapter 6

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Grayden's POV

My window over looks the terrace, I had turned off the lights but unable to sleep had been standing at the window looking out when I saw the kitchen light come on and the door to the terrace opened as she stepped out. She was in her robe so I figured she was going to take a swim but nothing prepared me for when she dropped her robe, she was completely naked!

Jesus! I couldn't take my eyes off her as she dove into the pool she was truly gorgeous! And she was swimming totally naked on her terrace where anyone could see her! What was she thinking??!! She made several laps of the pool while Seiko watched over her and I couldn't look away, I know it was a complete invasion of privacy as she clearly had gone out after she thought I was asleep to avoid being seen. It was guilty pleasure and in anticipation I waited for her to get back out of the pool, seeing her in all her glory as she toweled off. She has the most delicious curves, ones a man couldn't help but wish he was wrapping his hands all around as she arced under him in ecstasy.

As she headed back into the house after putting her robe back on I turned away from the window climbing into bed although not expecting to get much sleep now. Sinking back into the pillows I tried to avoid thinking about her body as I surprising start to drift off to sleep.

***She was swimming out on the terrace wearing absolutely nothing as I stepped out onto the terrace. She was just finishing her final lap as I reached the edge of the pool, she reached up intending to pull herself out of the pool, when I firmly grabbed her hands in mine and jerked her up quickly forcing her body to impact mine. Her wet, hot skin rubbing against mine as her eyes quickly shot up to mine feeling the electric current that seemed to pass from her to me or me to her, at this point I no longer knew.

Cupping her face in the palm of my hand I drug my thumb over that pouty bottom lip that had been driving me nuts since I last touched it, but this time unable to resist I lowered my head to hears, using my thumb to apply the slightest pressure to her chin so she would open her mouth and allow me entrance to the sweetness beyond. God she tasted amazing, I couldn't get enough I tipped her head back as I circled my arms around her waist bringing my hands down to grab her ass, pressing her more tightly against my hard cock.

Loving the moan she made in the back of her throat as she came in contact with my hardened flesh I started to lift her up to fit her even more tightly against my cock, she was only too willing to accommodate me as she wrapped her legs around my hips, I walked us back to the lounger not breaking contact with our mouths or bodies, I settled us onto it.

Breaking the kiss only to slide my lips down her neck, she moaned again arching her back and giving me access to her firm, plump breast for me to feast on as she started to un-dilate her hips against my hardness, becoming more excited in my arms as each time she came forward the tip of my cock buzzed her throbbing clit. She was coming apart in my arms and I wasn't going to be able to hold on much long so as she arced back one more time I grabbed her hips and slammed my full length home, hearing her cry out my name as she started to ride- wait she was starting to fade. Wait where was she going, come back... I can make it so good for both of us was my thought as I slowly woke to my alarm playing on my phone.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Slamming my hands against the bed I got up and heading into the bathroom to start my day with a cold shower.

Fleck's POV

Well after the cool evening swim the night before, I woke up ready to shop! I hate shopping but today was a new day and I clearly needed to get out more and connect with appropriate men that I could have a relationship with and that had an interest in me.

Knowing I would be changing several times today I decided to put on one of my matching sets of panties and bra with a yoga outfit over top, easy to get on and off with no assistance in a change room.

Under His Protection - 18+ Mature ***Undergoing Editing***Where stories live. Discover now