Chapter 11

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Waking up was a challenge in the morning, when the alarm went off the first time I hit snooze, but after the third or forth time Seiko got annoyed and decided he would help my alarm, jumping on me and tearing the bedding apart. With a huge sigh and a glare at my canine companion I headed to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.

Today wasn't terribly busy, my furniture was arriving this morning and since I had made plans for tomorrow evening with Reese I was going to have to have to go to the market for ladies night (Thursday Night) this afternoon since there wouldn't be time tomorrow.

Dressing comfortably since I planned to assemble furniture and get my office sorted out this morning so that tomorrow the wiring guys could come in and get their work done, I open the door letting Seiko bound ahead of me down the stairs. Reaching the landing I smelled fresh coffee, Gray was up and making breakfast! Entering the kitchen I couldn't help but admire the fact that he was again in a pair of worn jeans that molded to all the right curves and could make a grown woman weep. Sometimes life just wasn't fair!

Getting caught staring wasn't something I wanted to have happen though so as he turned to hand me a cup of coffee I pasted a smile on my face and thanked him. Over breakfast we discussed the plans for the day and I told him about the change up of going to the market for "book club".

"Book club"? What is that? Or do I even want to know?"

I laughed, "A bunch of girlfriends all get together to hang out, drink wine, play cards or board games, watch a new movie or something like that and we all take turns hosting it. This month it is my turn."

"And what is the plan for this girls night?"

"Watching a movie that some of the ladies have been dying to see" I said not meeting his eyes.


Saved by the bell, as I could see he was just about to ask me what movie and no way in hell did I want to tell him it was Magic Mike XXL. Can you imagine his reaction to that? Getting up I made a beeline for the door and checking the peep to ensure it was the furniture delivery guys I opened the door.

Signing the delivery order, I was just turning to take the delivery guy to the office to show him where everything would be going when my cell started to go off in the back ground. Damn! Gray walked up behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder, he handed me my cell, 

"You answer this and I will take care of getting the office furniture up to your office."

"Thank you!" I said with heartfelt gratitude as I stepped out on the terrace to take the call.

It was my father, there were some issues that he needed me to walk him through over the phone. After I was sure he understood and everything was under control I hung up and headed back inside to start putting the furniture together.

When I entered my office I had to grip the door jam, going weak in the knees. Gray was putting my desk together but must have worked up a sweat as he had taken his shirt off. I was greeting with nothing but sweaty rock hard abs and pecks that had me drooling and my palms itching to run my hands over them. Did he not realize how he was essentially sin wrapped up in a gorgeous package!

Resigned to another cold shower I walked into full view in the room. Gray looked up with a smile,

"Sorry I figured I could get started on this for you and it would get done that much faster"

"Thanks I appreciate it, phone call with dad took longer than I expected" I said seeing how he already had a large portion of my desk together.

We settled in to getting my office up and running, the furniture put where Mindy and I had mapped out and all the shelving and cabinets that had come in assembled and in their pre-planned locations. We final finished late afternoon, with the couch being the final touch to be moved into place, overseeing the vies of the rolling hills and lake in the distance.

Under His Protection - 18+ Mature ***Undergoing Editing***Where stories live. Discover now