I Didn't Mean Too ( Hayes Grier Imagine )

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Claire’s Point Of View

I walked around the mall with my friend Hannah, we were shopping for new clothes for the upcoming trip on the last day of school. “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe we’ll be in High School next year!” Hannah shrieked. I laughed and said, “I know! We’re getting freaking old!” she shakes her head and giggles. I looked at her and smiled, “Oh my gosh..is that Hayes?” she said, I looked over at where she was looking, and in fact it was Hayes. See Hayes is the most popular guy at our school. Every girl likes him, and sadly yes I was one of them.

I rolled my eyes, “So?” I said, she looked at me in shocked. “Girl! Go talk to him! You know you really like him!” I shook my head at her statement. “No way! He’s all popular and crap!” I said, she sighed. ” I swear you’re gonna be single all your life! Make a freakin move!” I clenched my jaw. “No fucking way!” I said, I then covered my mouth. She looked over at Hayes who was now walking over to us. “Oh look! He’s coming!” She said.

I looked at what I was wearing, oh great. I had to wear my old jeans and some shirt a five year old would wear. Great, just great. He had a smirk on his face, “Hi, did you lose your mommy trying to find a way out?” He said looking at my shirt. I looked down embarrassed. Ouch, that hurt. “That was rude! Say sorry!” Snapped Hannah, Hayes looked at her and laughed, ” Like you would do something if I don’t.” Hannah rolled her eyes.

I felt my eyes get watery, I turned around and walked away. Hannah followed me, she then stopped and looked at Hayes, “Jerk!” She yelled at him. Hayes shrugged and walked back to his group of friends. ” I shouldn’t have wore this ugly shirt! I look ugly! I always do!!” I said, Hannah rushed to my side. “Don’t listen to him, he just wanted to show off okay!?” She tried giving me some hope.

I just wanted to run and cry myself into a hole. “So I am ugly !?” I shouted, Hannah jumped. “No! You’re not ugly okay? You’re freaking pretty! You should know this! I bet Hayes just said that so he can talk to you! Come on, he’s just a jerk who think he’s all that. ” I looked at her and smiled weakly, “You’re right!”


I walked down the halls of school, I was stopped by Hayes Grier, I rolled my eyes. “What do you want Grier?” I said harshly, he put his hands up in defense. ” I just wanted to say I was sorry, I didn’t mean it. I was just joking. In fact you looked cute in that school at the mall. I’m sorry if I made you upset..” He said looking down a little. I let out a small sigh. “Why did you do it then?” I asked him.

He looked up at me, “Well, because I really like you. And I told my friends and they said try and get your attention.. I didn’t want you to go off crying.. I’m really sorry..” He looked at his feet. I didn’t bother to respond. “Claire..please. I really didn’t mean too!” He said looking at me. I felt my face turn red, his blue eyes were burning me inside.

"Please? I really didn’t mean too." He started, but I stopped him. "It’s okay, don’t worry.." I said. He smiled weakly. "How about this, we start over with this whole friendship?" He said. I nodded, "Alright." I said with a smile. He looked at me, "Hi, I’m Hayes Grier, and I think you’re cute. What’s your name?" He asked, I giggled at his silliness. " I’m Claire ( Your/Last/Name). And I think you’re a cutie pie." He smiled big.

"So, Claire. Want to eat lunch with me?" He said. I looked at him, did Hayes Grier really ask me to eat lunch with him? I nodded my head, he grabbed my hand and ran towards the lunch room. This was going to be the start of something new. I just know it..

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