15 - mark

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requested : memingyu
1 part


[ 3rd person pov ]

It was a cool afternoon out on the first weekend of the holidays, the wind was blowing lightly and the sun was shining slightly. Everyone was outside, having fun and goofing off with their friends.

Well, almost everyone.

Reem was currently at home, too lazy to even think of leaving the house. Instead, she was currently sitting on the couch, her laptop laying comfortably on her lap as she stared at the screen intently. She would much rather spend the holidays in her house watching dramas than being outside and wasting her energy on useless games.

As she was immersed in her dramas, someone to her right spoke up all of a sudden.

"Reem~ Look at me~" Mark said as he dragged his words and did his aegyo in front of her face. But nothing worked. He came to his girlfriend's house today, expecting to play a video game or two with her and to make amazing memories that they would always remember, but her eyes have been glued to the laptop screen since morning and he was starting to get really annoyed.

Not getting any attention from her even after his countless pleads, he pouted in defeat as he stared at her. He couldn't help but think that her focused expression was really cute.

Suddenly, he had an urge to just grab her laptop away from her, if it meant him getting the most attention rather than a laptop screen, he would do whatever it took.

He stretched out his arms and snatched her laptop from her lap and placed it at the edge of the couch. Reem, after suddenly having her drama disappearing before her eyes, suddenly paid attention to Mark, who was just staring at her as if he didn't do anything at all. Reem glared at him as he just shrugged his shoulders , showing off an innocent face. She didn't like how this was. Mark knew how annoyed she could get if her laptop gets taken away, but to be honest, he barely cared, he just wanted all of her focus to be on him.

"Mark, give it back. Now." Reem asked slowly and sternly, as if she was asking a baby to give her back her phone. Mark just shook his head and continued to stare at her. This went on for about 5 minutes, them just having their mini staring contest until finally, Mark spoke up.

"I'm not giving you your laptop back, until I get your fullest attention. And I mean it. All attention should be on me." But Reem wasn't giving up that easily. She crawled over to Mark in an attempt to reach past him, and she might even be lucky enough to get it. As soon as she reached Mark's side of the couch, she stretched out her arm as her fingertips barely brushed the top of the laptop before Mark held both of her hands tightly.

She tried so hard to wriggle out of his grasp, but she knew she couldn't. He was just too strong. Yet, she still didn't give up.

Seeing how much she tried, Mark knew exactly what to do in this type of situation. He slowly placed Reem's arms down to rest beside her as he placed his face into the crook of her neck, snuggling into her and getting comfortable as he embraced her in a warm hug.

Looking at the position they were in, Reem immediately blushed a deep shade of red. She always saw this scene in her dramas and always thought of how cute it would be to do it in real life.

But now that she was actually doing it, she couldn't help but feel like she was on the top of the world at that moment.

Unconsciously, she too wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, burying her now burning red race into his chest, trying to hide from Mark the fact that her face was probably like a tomato right now.

But when Mark felt this small gesture come from her, he looked at her, and the colour of her face was so obvious that he let out a tiny giggle at his girlfriend's reaction, finding it cute the way she always turned red whenever he showed signs of his affection towards her.

After staying like that for who knows how long, Reem lifted her head and looked at Mark before saying out in her cutest voice possible,

"Can you give me back my laptop now? Pleaseee~" with just this small gesture, it made Mark's heart flutter, but he wasn't going to give in yet.

"No! You have to spend the whole day with me!" Mark exclaimed, squishing both Reem's cheeks.

Reem struggled underneath him, trying her best to get out of his grasp but Mark's strength overpowered hers and she gave up, feeling tired.

Seeing her tired, Mark flipped her over so that Reem was now on top of him. Reem was shocked at first but soon hugged him, laying comfortably.

Reem soon fell asleep and Mark just stared at her, awed by the beauty of his girlfriend. Mark kissed the top of Reem's head and soon fell asleep too.


Hello everyone! I finally updated today and I hoped you enjoyed it :) I've been having a writer's block lately. And wattpad isn't co-operating either. Whenever I get ideas and go on wattpad, it'll just freeze. I still have a few more requests to write so look forward to it. My wattpad likes to freeze on me idk why. But hoped you enjoyed and thanks for reading :3

 But hoped you enjoyed and thanks for reading :3

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Cutie pie~


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