16 - jaehyun & ten

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requested : MoOmInnnnnnnn
romantic + very slight angst
1 part


[ 3rd person pov ]

Jaehyun, Ten, and Y/N, also known as the school's most popular trio walked down the school's hallway to class. They were chattering happily amongst themselves like they were in a world of their own, just the three of them, laughing together like nothing else mattered.

Walking through the doors of their classroom, Ten and Y/N waved at Jaehyun, bidding him one last farewell. This always annoyed Jaehyun, the fact that he never had any classes with them. He was jealous just thinking of what they could have been doing together, having fun together in class without him. He had never been in the same class as them, except for their first year, other than that, he was always separated from them until break or lunch.

With a heavy heart, Jaehyun walked to his classroom while Ten and Y/N continued to chatter happily, waiting for their teacher to arrive. Being hardworking students, Ten and Y/N would always be the first to arrive to class and the last to leave. And as expected, their grades were one of the top few, of course with Jaehyun as well. Ten and Jaehyun were also a few of the most handsome guys in school, Y/N being one of the few prettiest girls. They first met in their first year, when they were grouped together to do a project. They first met in their first year, when they were grouped together to do a project. They instantly hit it off on the first day, becoming the best of friends soon after. When walking around the school, if you ever see one of them, the other two are sure to be there as well, they are never separated from each other.

Soon, the shrill screeching of the school bell rang through everyone's ears, signaling the start of a new school day.


Immediately after class had ended, Ten and Y/N walked out of their classroom, heading towards the school cafeteria for lunch. Unfortunately, they had totally forgotten about Jaehyun, who was still in class. Usually, he would've been waiting for them outside their classroom, but this time, Jaehyun got caught daydreaming in class, thus being chosen for cleaning duty. He groaned at the thought of having Y/N and Ten waiting for him so he quickly finished cleaning up, picking up his school bag and swinging one strap around his shoulder before rushing off to their classroom.

Reaching their classroom, he peeked in through the windows, only to realize that all the lights had been switched off, and no one was inside. He started to feel a little uneasy inside. Surely, they hadn't left him? They did, but he definitely did not want to believe it. He quickly paced around the areas nearby Ten and Y/N's classroom, but no one could be seen, except for maybe a few cleaners doing their jobs diligently. He sighed. They really had left him. He trudged over to the place where they would usually have lunch together: The rooftop. Climbing up the stairs, he could hear the angelic laugh of Y/N resound in his ears. Jaehyun slowly opened the door as it creaked slightly, and at the moment, his heart dropped. Y/N and Ten....they were having fun without him. Feeling tears welling up in his eyes, he quickly walked away, not wanting to interrupt them.


For the next few days, Jaehyun went to school without Ten and Y/N. And whenever either one of them approached him, he would ignore them and simply walk away. Noticing Jaehyun's obvious and sudden change of personality, Y/N confronted him after school, together with Ten, of course, to find out what was going on.

Ten had found Jaehyun and dragged him to the rooftop where Y/N stood patiently. Seeing the two of them walk through the doors, Y/N stomped towards Jaehyun, looking him square in the eyes before asking him a question,

"What's up with you Jaehyun? Why have you been ignoring me and Ten so much these past few days?"

Jaehyun simply avoided eye contact, keeping silent throughout. Y/N sighed and massaged her temples in frustration, before asking again,

"Jaehyun, what's wrong?"

This time, Jaehyun got up enough courage to open his mouth, but what he said was definitely not an answer Y/N was satisfied with.

"Nothing's wrong, Y/N. Nothing at all"

Y/N looked like she was ready to punch him but Ten stopped her just in time. After a few moments of silence, Jaehyun spoke.

"Ten, could you leave me and Y/N alone for a while. I need to tell her something important."

Hearing his words, Ten was shocked but all he did was nodded and walked away. Looking at Jaehyun, Y/N sighed in relief. Finally, he was going to speak. Jaehyun breathed in and out as Y/N looked at him before he muttered out words that were very unexpected.

"Y/N, Ilikeyou,pleasegooutwithme?" he said quickly as his whole face turned a dark shade of red, as he looked at the ground as if it was so interesting. Y/N stared at him, wide-eyed. She didn't know Jaehyun thought of her that way...

She was about to answer until Ten came running towards them, looking at Y/N and confessing his feelings as well.

"I-I like you too, Y/N"

At his words, Jaehyun looked up and glared at Ten as Ten glared back. He definitely wasn't expecting him to confess as well. Y/N just stared at the both of them in a state of pure shock and confusion.

What was she going to do now?


Hello dear fellow readers~ it's nice to see you all again~ I hope you enjoyed this story, I'm really sorry that its so crappy, also the ending T-T it's up to y'all to decide ;) let your imagination run wild~~ I literally rushed through it but I tried my best~ ALSO, I'll be a little more active nowadays, so stay tuned, NEW CHAPTERS ARE COMING YOUR WAY~!! Requests are closed for now until I finish the current ones so enjoy the next few~

I love y'all~~❤❤


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