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Aaron's pov...

What should i do! Should I ask her? Should I tell her? It's been a day and nobody has come back yet.

No don't mention it Aaron! Don't stress her out anymore....

Dammit! Why is life so hard! I just want her to bet happy for once! Not all stressed out!

I look down. Every since I came home y/n has been acting strange..
Strange in a good way though!
She's nor uncomfortable at all! Shes not stuttering around me anymore. Shes even agreed to sleep in the same bed as me!
Im curious to find what changed her. I was only gone for a day!

Shes sleeping peacefully head on my shoulder.
Im pretty sure shes the only girl I've meet that doesn't snore. Even lily snored a little...

Get out of it Aaron!

"Hey." I hear.

Oh y/ns awake.

"Good morning." I say.

"Good morning." She says.

Quiet..... This is weird.

"This is awkward..." She says.

Okay just say it Aaron.

"Why are you suddenly so comfortable around me?" I ask.

Great. Sooooo natural.

"Am I coming off to harsh?" She says.

"No it's not that. It's just.... sudden." I say.

"Well when you come back and told me about what Todrick did I realized that things like that are gonna happen and that one of these days one of them are gonna end badly. So I decided that I got to enjoy what I have and the people that love me..... before it goes away.
It happened to me once. I don't want it to happen to me again." She says.

"That's really smart of you." I say.

"Your just saying that because you got on the next level with me!" She says.

I laugh.

"That's true. But that's just because I love you." I say.

She smiles.

" I love you too." She says.

Yeah yeah I know this chapter is all talking and that it took awhile to come out but appreciate it anyway!!!
Bye Narwhals!

The first warrior {COMPLETED} (Aaron X Reader) MCDWhere stories live. Discover now