Chapter 11

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Warning - some deep shit is covered in this chapter so if reading about rape and child abuse and stuff upsets you then don't read this! (I don't go into any detail but it still might upset you.) Also this story took a darker turn than I first thought when I started writing it but I think it's good so I'm hoping y'all do too <3

Honestly though if you think you're gonna be distressed reading this then don't and if you need to talk about anything ever then message me <3


Gavins POV

When I wake up the first thing I notice is Michael's arm thrown over my waist and his chest pressed against my back and how much I love this feeling. I hear my phone buzz and carefully move so I don't wake Michael up and climb off my bed. I grab my phone and see a text from Scott. I completely forgot about him.

Scott -

Hey since your friend went home do you wanna go out today? x

Me -

I kind of just wanted to chill with Geoff today tbh, also Michael stayed here last night so I should probably hang with him too

Scott -

I thought you weren't talking to Michael?

Me -

We weren't but after Dan left yesterday he cheered me up so we are now

Scott -

How about we meet up for an hour or so??

I don't know why I'm explaining myself to him and I really don't want to see him but I need to tell him that I don't want to go out with him at some point and the sooner I do the better. I sigh and lock my phone without replying and go to Geoffs room. His door is open and he's sat up in bed typing on his phone.

"Geoff?" I ask quietly, not wanting to interrupt. He looks up at me and smiles, locking his phone and motioning for me to sit opposite him.

"Whats up Gavvo?" He asks and I sit down just as his phone pings. I glance at the screen and see Ray's name before looking back up at Geoff.

"I need help." I say.

"With?" He asks and I bite my lip.

"I er, I got a message from Scott and he said he want's to go out but I really don't want to but I don't know how to tell him." I say and Geoff rolls his eyes.

"Gav you're thinking way too into it. Just tell him you're not into him. If he's a decent person he'll get it." Geoff says and I frown.

"But how can I just tell him that I'm not into him? It's a bit deep init?" I ask and Geoff chuckles.

"You know when you're really blunt with people cause you're British and an asshole?" He asks and I chuckle.

"I guess, yeah?" I ask, confused as to where this is going.

"Just tell him Gavver." Geoff says softly and I bite my lip again.

"Okay, I can do that. Probably." I say and he smiles.

"Why don't you meet him in the park or something, then you can walk away if it gets awkward." Geoff suggests.

"Can I not do it here? At least then you're here in case I need you?" I ask and Geoff smiles.

"It will be fine Gavvo, if you do it at the park you have the whole walk there to calm yourself down and you'll be in public so nothing will happen." He says and I nod.

Geoff's brother (Mavin)Where stories live. Discover now