Chapter 5: A.I.M.

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--Xavier's School--

Charles walked over to the stairway and carefully went up the stairs. There he was greeted by many mutants considering he is the school's owner.
Once he got into his classroom, nobody was inside.

"Where is everyone?" Charles thought

He then saw Hank enter the room. Hank was just wearing a shirt, pants and shoes.

"Hello, Charles. Why are you wandering around your class?" Hank asked.

Charles smiled. "I was wondering where everyone has gone to."

"I'm think Storm and Cable brought them outside for some training. They said they have to train them before winter starts."

"Ok, I see. Can you please tell them to take it easy on them? I'm sure they have trained hard enough to deserve a rest." Charled said, checking his desk.

"Of course, Charles. I heard about what happened to Logan. Let me help you deal with him."

"Yes, you can. Find him in Quebec and bring him back here. Bring Jean with you, I'm sure she can convince him to come back. Feel free to bring anyone with you."

"I'll make sure he'll come back. I won't let you down." Hank smiled, then went back outside.

"I should've gone instead." Charles thought, fixing his books in order.


Logan started to run towards the main road as bullets started going in his direction, left and right, there was no escape. He shouldn't have gone close enough for them to see him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Logan shouted, tripping over branches and almost falling over.

There was already a dozen bullets placed on Logan's back as he kept on running, but he was struggling. He didn't know how but he managed to get on the road and waited for the car. He breathed heavily, as he leaned on a tree and tried to hide.

"Damn it, Stryker. That old bastard." Logan said, looking behind him.

He saw four men with assault rifles looking for him. He came out of hiding and got his claws out. He stabbed the first man on the chest and made him his cover. Once they were out of bullets and were reloading, Logan attacked. He sliced the second man on his neck and pierced his claws through the head of the third one. He ran at the fourth person as he shot his bullets at him. Once Logan got into range, he jumped towards him and pierced both of his claws through his chest.

"Is that all you have, Stryker?!" Logan shouted.

Suddenly, a dart got shot on his arm and he removed it immediately. His claws weren't removed but he felt something different. Something on his body has lost its purpose. Now there was a bullet that was shot on his leg and he felt it. He felt the pain that was inflicted on him, he lost his regeneration.

Logan ran across the forest trying to get out of the gunfire. So far he wasn't getting shot but there was a lot of gunshots. He rested and hid in the bushes and removed the bullet on his leg. He saw a parked truck across the road and ran towards it. The driver was not present but it was open and the car had its keys on it. He started it and drove as far away as he can.

"Goddamn, Stryker. Goddamn, mercenaries. Goddamn, A.I.M.!" Logan shouted, driving towards Ontario.

He looked at the side mirrors, there were men on the road looking for him. Luckily he was out of sight as soon as they went out of the forest. He placed the destination of Ontario on the GPS of the car and started to drive towards it. He looked at his leg which was bleeding a lot. He looked around the car and saw alcohol laying on the other seat. He got it and dipped alcohol on his leg.

"You got me good, Stryker." Logan said.

--2 hours later--

Thankfully, Logan didn't sleep on his way to a local gas station. He jumped out of the car and told them to refill the truck since it was running low on gas. He went into the local store and tried to buy beer. Once he got in, he grabbed two cigarettes and got a full pack of beer. He got the $100 in his pocket and paid it.

"Do you only have $100, sir?" The cashier asked.

"Yes. Do you have any clothes around here?" Logan asked.

"Unfortunately, we don't have any. The closest store which has clothes is about 8 kilometers away in a small town."

"Thanks." Logan said, grabbing the beer and cigarettes.

He got near the truck and threw in the beer at the other seat. He checked the glove compartment which had a lighter in it. He grabbed it, lighted his cigarette and continued driving.

It was getting dark and he had to stop and sleep nearby. The closest town was about 8 kilometers and Ontario was an 8 hour drive. He had to stop by and sleep for the night.

He finally settled on the road where he saw a spot to stay. He threw the cigar out of the window once he was done smoking and laid down on the seats. It was very comfortable, something Logan hasn't felt in a while. The stars were shining bright tonight. They looked beautiful, Logan wished he saw that every day of his life. But what he got was bullets and death in his everyday life. He looked at his leg, it was starting to heal.

"You may have found a way to stop the mutant gene, but not for a long time." Logan said, gazing at the stars.

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