How To Be A Grim Reaper

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Yay, a story

I've been being horrible at uploading stuff on this site. But I've still been reading ;D.

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Dammit, why won't he text back? He'd never been fifteen minutes late to answer a text I've sent to him. It's not in his nature to be late to ANYTHING.

I shifted uncomfortably on my bed, grumbling as I watched the screen of my cellphone, waiting for a silver box saying YOU'VE GOT ONE NEW MESSAGE written on it to pop up. But of course, it didn't, and I was starting to get pissed off. I probably sounded like a concieted bitch right then, complaining about a text message that was only fifteen minutes late, but I was just restless and worried.

You see, my friend Daniel had been having some rough times lately. He'd never been close with his family, but recently they'd been getting into more fights that worried the heck out of me when I heard how bad they got. And as the days went on, they only got worse and more concerning.

He was supposed to be letting his feeling out to me over text message, but he wasn't answering, and that mostly worried me because he had an issue with being late to things and never is, and if he's late to texting me then there's the possibility that he had engaged in another fight with a family member. That's the last thing I want, for him to have to endure even more pain. His family wasn't the greatest to him, but they're his blood, he still loved them, and it really hurt him when they get into such verbally brutal quarrels. And him being so close to me I could call him my brother though we're not physically related, it's agonizing to see him go through all of this.

I'd always hated his family from the moment I met them. They were nice to me when I went over, but they were still bitter to him, and I despised them for that. That's why we go over to my house much more often, so I can keep him away from that, even for only an hour or so.

I jumped with excitement when I saw I had a new message, but my spirits were quickly dampened.

Daniel: My dad just came in my room. . .

I imidiantly texted back.

Me: what did he say?

Daniel: ...........

Oh my god, he's frickin' stalling. That's not a good sign at all.

Me: daniel, what did he say????

Daniel: He says we're moving to Ohio..........

I dropped my cellphone on the floor as I sat on the edge of my bed. Did. . .did I just read that right? Did he just tell me he was moving to Ohio?

No, I HAD to be hallucinating or just tired or SOMETHING, because there is no way God would be cruel enough to take Daniel away from me by having him move to Ohio. I'm not bad enough of a person. . .

I quickly snatched my phone off the floor and re-deciphered the words on the screen. I must have read it over a dozen times and my eyes were starting to hurt from straining them so hard, but I still read the same message.

"He says we're moving to Ohio."

The words repeated themselves over and over in my head until they started to jumble together. I began to feel light-headed all of the sudden, and my stomach tightened so hard I felt as if I was suffocating. The incredible shock hit me like being chucked at by a cinder block. . .and yet, I could hardly digest the content of the words I read. I notice my hands were shaking uncontrollably with the phone in then as a beep gave off, signalling another text message. Hesitantly, my body hardly responding properly, I opened the text message.

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