21. Be completely unaware of what is going on around you all day.
22. Comment on your "Smooth Criminals" (Don't ask...)
23. Act drunk.
24. Quote The Princess Bride, "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die".
25. Speak gibberish for the rest of the day.
27. Make simple mistakes.
26. HaS sPelLinG ERorRs.
28. Write numbers in the wrong order in math class.
29. Whisper in your neighbors ear something really stupid Ex. "Did you know I have 3 nipples?"
30. Be aware of the fact that you pulled a silent but deadly fart in the middle of class that no one else is aware of.
101 things to do when your bored in class
MizahI never told you to any of this. If you do it and get in trouble it's your fault please don't hold me accountable, and yes, I do have a very dark sense of humor