41. Yell "I'm Pickle (your name)!".
42. Tell your teacher "Listen (teacher name), I hate to break it to you, but what people call "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, (teacher name), then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage." (#RickandMortyquotes)
43. Comment about how your life has gone to shish. (I'm not saying curse words EVER).
44. Say your a black guy disguised in a white mans body or a white guy disguised in a black mans body.
45. Actually get down and dirty with someone after school.
46. Start explaining sex to your class.
47. Get a trumpet, take off your shirt, and walk in to a class room while playing "Tequila" by the Champs.
48. Ask someone for a ride to the sex toy store. (XD)
49. Tell your teacher your in love with them and you only want them.
50. (Hey! You're half way good job!) Once you have won the lottery buy a super model in a Ferrari that's red and pay the super model to have sex while in a private jet flying to Jamaica to then smoke some weed with Bob Marley's rotting corpse.
50 1/2. Read 50 3/4 before reading 50.
50 3/4. Don't even read 50 XD.
101 things to do when your bored in class
HumorI never told you to any of this. If you do it and get in trouble it's your fault please don't hold me accountable, and yes, I do have a very dark sense of humor