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101. When you first arrive at school, immediately go down to the cafeteria and grab a piece of bread. After you have it, throw it at a random person then blame someone else, thus, causing a food fight. Then go to the library and tell someone something that would make them really angry and cause them to get really loud. Then tell them that one of their friends told you to say it to them, causing them to go and fight. After you have done that, go to someone else's first hour and tell the teacher that you are the new transfer student from Guam (Even though you may not look like your from Guam just do it anyway). When they ask why you're not on their roster yet, tell them you literally just got to the school and to the states. After first hour go to your second hour and sit through it like a normal student would. When third hour starts, run to the band room and ask a guy named Carter (Coincidence? I think not) to borrow his trumpet. If he says yes, immediately take off your shirt run out and go to a random class and start playing "Tequila" by The Champs until the teacher catches you, AVOID HIM/HER AT ALL COSTS. Finally, take one of your friends up to the roof until someone notices, then say "I'm the king of this school! You all bow down to ME! Mwahaha!". 


So yea, that's 101. Hope you guys and gals enjoyed! Don't forget to vote! And by all means, please, share this book!

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