31 - 40 (The dirties pt. 1)

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31. Ask your neighbor to have some fun tonight (Desk neighbor).

32. Write a fake number on the white board that says "Call me for a fun time ;)"

33. Draw a chicken on the white board and draw an arrow pointing to it that says "Cock".

34. When the teacher leaves the class start a game of spin the bottle.

35. When you get to your science class, ask your teacher if your learning about sex.

36. Start moaning really loudly in the middle of class.

37. When the teacher asks what 36 was about say "I'm on my period" (Still funnier if you're a guy)

38. Say "I watch Hentai!"

39. Ask a girl/guy to get down and dirty with you. When they say "ew no" or "lets go right now" Say "I meant garden you stupid pervert!"

40. Start singing the song "Let's talk about sex" but change sex to anything you want.

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