Isaac Lahey.

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Hey guys.

Here is the first imagine. Thought I would start off with an easy one since I'm kind of obsessed with Teen Wolf at the moment.

I'm so sorry if it's shit. I promise they will get better with time. I promise you that now.

I hope you like this one.

Love you all loads!

Sorry again if it's not what you are after but they will get better.

-PeterHaleLover xx

*REMEMBER* We are taking requests so direct message me your requests and we'll try our best. Requests should include:

- Name of character/person.

- Scene: Where you want it to take place.


*WARNING* This contains smut. If you don't like this type of stuff then this really isn't the book for you.

Word Count: 3084 Words.

Isaac Lahey.

You, Isaac, Derek and Peter were all huddled around the small desk in Derek's loft. You were trying to figure who the kanima was and what or who was controlling it. You needed a way of stopping it once and for all.

"Well didn't Stiles say that the kanima was afraid of something?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. Water. I was forced into the school's pool with him when I was slashed by its claws." Derek replied.

"Well if the kanima is afraid of water then what does that mean?" Isaac asks.

"It means that whoever is controlling the kanima is also afraid of water." You say as you lean against the desk.

"The only person that we can speak to about this is Scott. We need to figure out who this person is and what we're going to do to stop them." Derek says.

Peter nodded his head as you all made your way to the door.

"You know what, I'm going to stop here." You say.

"You're not stopping here by yourself. What if they come here while we're gone." Derek says in his firm voice.

"I'll stay with her." Isaac pipes in, coming over and standing next to you.

Derek looks sceptical between you both before agreeing with Isaac for him to stop with you. He walks over to you, planting a kiss on your forehead.

"We'll be back as soon as we can, ok."

You nod your head as he makes his way back over to Peter and closing the door behind him.

This just left you and Isaac standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. You have had a crush on Isaac for a little while now and just being in a room with him by yourself makes your heart race. You try not to show it as you know that he would never like someone like yourself in that way.

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