Ask Allen about Admin event

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  (These should be answered as if muse is talking about mun and giving their opinion about them  

1. Name

2. Nickname (or how muse "calls" them)

3. Best character traits

4. Worst character traits

5. Hobby (and muses opinion about it)

6. Pets? (and muses opinion about it)

7. Spirit animal?

8. If mun was one of four elements which one they would be?

9. 3 things mun couldn't live without

10. 3 things mun would love to dissapear

11. Music taste? (and muses opinion on it)

12. Best thing about the mun

13. Worst thing about the mun

14. What annoys mun

15. Fandoms? (and muses opinion about it)

16. Sexuality?

17. Favourite food

18. Favourite beverage

19. Books or magazines?

20. Shopping or gaming?

21. Optimist, pessimist or realist?

22. Dream country?

23. Opinion on muns singing voice

24. Opinion on muns dance moves

25. Why this current muse? (muse gives their thoughts about why mun picked them)

26. What muse are jealous of mun?

27. What mun is jealous of muse? (muses thoughts about it)

28. If muse was real what they think they would be to mun (e.g. mom, big brother, lover, soul mate, enemy.. and etc.)

29. Best way to make mun feel better

30. What better not say/do in front of mun

Have fun!

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