Adorably boring self

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Alfred is fun. Sort of. He's just a big dork. I find it adorable when he puts clips in his hair to keep his hair out of his face when it gets long. One time, I dared him to let his hair grow out to his back and he did. He came into the living room one day wearing pigtails. Oh my Jesus. I had to excuse myself for a half hour to the bathroom because, OH MY FUCKING GENTLE JESÙS! HE LOOKED SO ADORABLE! PIGTAILS ARE SO FUCKING ADORABLE! Shoot me for it but pigtails turn me on. Like holy shit.

(I'm incorporating the headcanons given to me for Allen.)

I played with his hair while he played video games. He got it cut three days after though. So many good times washed down the drain. o(TヘTo)

*Ahem* Anway, he's okay if he's not dragging me to fast food resturaunts not that I mind. Pork chop thighs are heaven. But seriously has he never heard of a salad?

My thoughts on Pork Chop.

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