Slade's Back Again+ New Family Member Moves In and Terra's 4th Month Pregnant

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Raven's P.O.V. the next morning i woke up with morning sickness i then proceeded to run to the bathroom as soon as i had gotten into there i immediately headed over to the toilet and started heaving into the toilet-bowl a minute later Gar walked into the bathroom and then keeled down behind me then gently proceeded to move my purple/amethyst colored hair out of my face so that it wouldn't be in my way as i continued to empty the contents from my stomach once i had finished with emptying my stomach i then got back up onto my feet reached for the flush valve and then proceeded to pull it and i then walked over to the bathroom sink and then opened the cupboard on the right hand side of the sink and i then pulled out my toothbrush and then started to brush off the vomit that was stuck on my teeth and tongue once i was done brushing them i then grabbed the large bottle of mouthwash to rinse the remainder of the taste of vomit out of my mouth while at the same time Gar kept giving me very strange looks in the mirror i then said What's Up and he replied Not Much Just The Ceiling Baby Mama when he had said that last comment i smiled slightly and i then started blushing the color of a rose-bush Gar then said Aw I've gotten you to smile and i replied that is one of the many reasons why i love you Gar you always make me smile even when i don't want to i then said did know that whenever you say my name you make my heart pound wildly in my chest i then asked him are you ready to be a Daddy Gar to a child of our very own creation not that Terra, Melvin, Timmy and Teether aren't our children i finished saying once i had finished speaking he said I am so excited Rae if we have a baby girl i won't allow her to date any boy until i'm dead when Gar said that last comment i gave him a little bit of a snort and then i said what happens if we are having a boy and Gar responded by saying that he can have any girl he wants as long as he gives us many more grandchildren to love and take care of i then was about to speak when the Crime Alert went off as soon as it did Gar and I ran as fast as we could to Command Center i was about to ask who it was when i saw that masked one-eyed bastard Slade that had raped my daughter and had gotten her pregnant with our grandchildren as soon as Gar saw that it was Slade he instinctively grabbed me and pulled me behind him Robin was about to speak to his arch-nemesis when i spoke saying what hell do you want now Slade haven't you done enough damage to my family already 1 you forced Robin to join you as your apprentice and made him fight us his friends/family before he had managed to come to his senses 2 You turned my now Daughter to join you who was at the time very vulnerable and horribly confused on how to effectively control her powers as well as the false promise that you could teach her how to control her powers but instead you used her for her powers for your own personal gain and had she not eventually seen through your horrible lies of helping her she probably would have gone down a very darkened path just like the horrible cunt you are and you also a monster for getting her pregnant at 17 i mean who really does that 3 not to mentioned that you helped my demon father nearly destroy all of human kind while you served under him, i used to see you as a tough nosed deadly bounty-hunter but instead i now see what you really are you are nothing but the most cowardly mercenary i have ever met who only works for the highest bidder with absolutely no ethic morals no matter how horrible or atrocious you still do the job and when the job fails you always run away just like the coward you are and lets not forget the very horrible example you set for your daughter Rose who could be have been anything that she wanted to be+Gar and i could do a better job raising her as our own because we would make better parents than you could ever be and when i had finished speaking i just looked at him on the monitor smiling very smugly Slade then said that if you think that you can raise my daughter better than i can then be my guest he then motioned for Rose to come over and once she had come into view he than said that Beast Boy and Myself are going to be taking care of you from now on because he never loved her to begin with he then continued saying that he almost made sure that her mother had aborted her Slade then stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him once he had left the room Rose just broke down crying hysterically Robin then said Raven why don't you go and get her and i said that was what i was going to do anyways because that's no way to talk to a child i then proceeded to phase through the floor and went to where Rose was located as soon as i had appeared in the room i then walked up to Rose and comforted her while she cried once she had calmed down a little i said Rose why don't you go gather all your things because you're going to be living with me and her father as well as the other titans Rose then went to gather her things and once she had absolutely everything that she owned i then teleported us back to the T Tower and once we had gotten back i then said Rose why don't you go rest you have had a very long day and she replied Yes Raven and i replied Rose you don't have to call me Raven you can call me Mom or Mommy if you feel comfortable with that and she replied that was alright with her and with that she left the room saying Good Night Mommy and Daddy i'll see you in the morning and with that Rose left the room and went to bed for the night.

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