Terra's Terrible Night Terrors and Vision and Raven's motherly instincts appear

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Raven's P.O.V. I awoke during the middle of the night feeling a lot of emotions coming from somewhere in the tower since i am a empath, so i crawled out of bed to go and investigate the very strong amount of emotions coming from somewhere in the tower but not before doing so i went into the bathroom to put on my leotard i then proceeded to wander through the tower looking for the source of the emotion until i came to the door leading to room of my daughter where i could sense that she was emotional distress coming from in her room so i pressed my ear against the door and could tell that she was emotionally distressed so i hurriedly opened her door to get into her room once i was inside I quickly walked up quickly to her bed sat down and proceeded to gently shake Terra awake while doing so Terra accidentally punched me in the mouth while she was tossing and turning in her sleep but it didn't phase me and so I just wiped the blood that was on my mouth away and then continued to gently shake her until she bolted straight up in the bed i then proceeded to walk over to the light-switch to turn on the light once the lights turned on i then proceeded to walk back to the bed and sat down next to Terra i then said to her is their anything that you want to tell me sweetie while rubbing her back and Terra said yeah, warning foreshadowing ahead you have been warned. Terra's P.O.V. I had a very vivid vision where Slade has come back to Jump City which led to him hurting you, father, Aunt Starfire, and Uncles Robin, and Cyborg, when you guys went to fight him he then proceeded to come to the tower kidnapping me and during the course of me being held captive by him he raped me everyday for two weeks until you guys found me but by time you guys did the damage had been done you all then took me back to the tower and it was while before started to get sick every-morning until one day i went to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test and the results came back positive that i was pregnant i was so emotional that literally fainted on to the bathroom floor later that same day i came down to the command center where i found you reading on the couch in the spot that you are always in and father was on the floor playing video games with Uncle Cyborg i then walked up to you and said Mother i need to tell you and father something very urgently so you said alright and motioned for father to come over because we had some very pressing matters to discuss but before we started discussing the pressing matter at hand i asked if we could discuss the matter in my room because i didn't feel comfortable discussing it in the command center. Once we got to my room i closed the door to muffle out the sound that was sure to come out of it and once i had done so i said to you guys remember when Slade kidnapped me and you both replied yeah i then continued saying that i hadn't been entirely truthful with you guys i then continued that during my time in captivity Slade raped everyday 2 weeks and that isn't the worst part at this point both you and dad looked really nervous but you both said for me to continue but both i did continue i felt the urge to throw up so i quickly ran into the bathroom straight to the toilet with you and father right behind me and during the whole time that i was throwing up you rubbing my back while father held my hair while i was puking my guts up and once i had finished throwing up and flushed the toilet i slid down to the floor and started sobbing by this point you both were very concerned but asked to finished what i had been saying but instead telling you i just reached over onto the bathroom counter and gave you my test and you then proceeded to ask me if this was a pregnancy test i just nodded my head yes and then said that it's positive you both then asked me how this could've happened and i then said the one word Slade and dad then proceeded to go ballistic started saying how dare that son of a bastard violate my daughters virginity once father stopped at once when you gave him a look telling him to settle down i then asked both of guys what exactly should i do and mother you replied you aren't thinking of an abortion are you and replied of course not, even though i didn't ask to be pregnant at 16 years old i won't kill an unborn baby and you then replied that if i was in your situation i would keep it as well but since that i'm not in your situation the choice is all up to you what are you going to do and i replied i'm going to keep the vision ended with you saying to father i guess we're going to become grandparents.

Ravens P.O.V. once Terra had finished telling me her whole vision was crying so much that it blurred her vision i could tell that the vision had shaken Terra straight to her core i did my best trying to comfort her but wasn't working so i said Terra i'm going to get your father so we can figure this all out together as a family okay and Terra replied okay so i left the room to go to my room to get Garfield once i got there i walked over to the side of the bed that Gar was sleeping on and said Gar get up and he replied to me five more minutes mom but i was not in the mood at this moment and said to him it's about our daughter at the mention of our daughter he bolted up in bed looked into my eyes and could tell that i needed his help with something to with our daughter. I then said that i needed him to come with me to Terra's room so that he could be told about the vision as well and once we got to Terra's room so that we could talk as a family, Garfield looked at Terra and could tell that she'd been crying and then looked at me and asked Rae why has Terra been crying and i then said that you'll find out i then said Terra tell your father of the vision that you had the same one that you'd told me so then our innocent daughter Terra told him the vision and how it all went down once Terra was down telling the vision over again Garfield was in tears as well as i did this time i the looked at Gar and said to him what are we exactly going to with our daughter Gar and he replied i don't know Rae i don't know what we are going to do but what i do know is that we'll figure this out together Terra Myself and You'll figure something out together as a family.

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