Terra Meets Harley Logan+ Terra's water breaks

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Somewhere in Downtown Gotham
Harley's P.O.V.  So i was taking a bath when my phone started going off i then proceeded to get out of the bathtub and then walk over to the bathroom counter once i had grabbed my phone i then walked back to the tub and got back into it once i had gotten back into the tub i then proceeded to look at the Caller ID and the Caller ID read Garfield i then proceeded to answer it i then said Hey Little Bro what's up and he replied not much just the ceiling i mentally face-palmed myself i then said i haven't talked to you i quite a long time and he replied i know i just have been really busy lately i then said like what and he replied well for 1 I've been dealing with Mine and Raven's pregnant adopted daughter and 2 dealing with pregnant Raven as well, i then said hold on a second are you talking about Raven's adopted daughter Melvin and he then replied no i'm talking about our other daughter Terra i was a little shocked at hearing that statement Garfield then said Sis are you still there and i then replied yeah i'm still hear i'm just a little shocked to hear that you guys adopted her after everything that she'd done to you and your friends by betraying all of you guys to DeathStroke and nearly killing not just your friends but you as well Garfield then started to tell me exactly how Terra had come back into the picture he started by saying that Terra actually wasn't encased in stone she had actually left Jump City by heading to Steel City to find someone that could help teach her how to control her powers better and while she was there she had received news from Markovia that her parents had died and that her brother had inherited the Markovian throne and that didn't want anything more to do with her so instead of heading home where she wasn't wanted after she had gotten a better grip on control her powers she instead headed to one of her second homes which happened to be Jump City so then from what I've heard from Terra herself she had gotten onto one of rock platforms and then proceeded to head back to Jump and once she had gotten back she started looking for a job until one day she bumped into Robin at the Jump City Park and asked saying can i please rejoin the Titans I've now gotten better control of my powers and Robin replied that she could spend the night at the T Tower and then in the morning they would talk to Raven and so the next morning had come into the Command Center to have her early morning cup of tea and to her shock she saw Terra standing in the T Tower after everything she had done to them Raven searched Terra's aura and found no trace of deceit or lies she said that it was alright if Terra rejoined the Titans but she had to regain our trust then Raven started to sense a lot of sadness in Terra's aura she then said Terra why don't you come to my room so we can talk and from what i had heard from Raven later that day that Terra had told her that the reason she was here in Jump was because she had nowhere else to go because her parents had died and her brother had absolutely wanted nothing to do with her Terra had then told Raven that she was the closest thing to a mother figure that she had and then Raven realized that Terra needed a mother and father figure to help raise, love, and protect her later that night Terra had a vision that DeathStroke was going to kidnap her rape her and get her pregnant i then said explain to me in more detail on how had she gotten herself pregnant and Garfield replied well here's the story so Slade or as you DeathStroke returned to Jump City and had sent us on a wild goose chase around the city while he had sneaked into the T Tower and had kidnapped her from there just like in the vision but before he left the tower he had left a ransom letter to deliver 5,000,000,000 to his address at 2400 Wing Street instead of paying the ransom we had launched a mission to rescue Terra from Slade's clutches once we had successfully done so we took Terra back to the T Tower immediately once we had gotten back Raven had decided that it was best that Terra be put to bed for the night after her horrifying experience of that day and so the next day Terra hadn't felt good so she went into the bathroom and started throwing up into the toilet once she had finished emptying her system she proceeded to take a pregnancy test once she had taken it and the results had come back positive she's pregnant and the rest is history by time Garfield had finished telling me the whole story i had gotten out of the tub i then had a few tears in my eyes i then said to him that is a pretty interesting story Little Bro he then said the other reason that i'd called you was not just to catch up on what has been going on with me and the other the other reason that i'd called you was because i was wondering if you wanted to move in with Me and Raven and help us help Terra i then said I'd love that Garfield so very much he then said do you want me to send Raven to come pick you up and bring you here and i replied sure when would she arrive and Garfield replied that she would be there in about an hour and i replied that gives me plenty of time to pack Garfield then said oh before i forget i wanted you to know that Raven and I are getting married in a few months i then said Congratulations Little Bro i'm so happy for you i then said well i better get started packing love you and he replied love you to Sis i'll see you soon and with that we both hung up and once we had i then headed into the main-room and started packing one hour later i had finished packing all my stuff when i saw a black portal open outside my front door before i opened the door i had wrote a letter to puddin saying that i was going to be out of town because of a family emergency that had and then once i finished i opened the door gave my soon to be sister in law a big hug and said Raven how have you been and she replied I've been better she then said do you have everything that you need and i replied that i have everything from my bat to my clothes and phone Raven said alright just follow me back through the portal and once we enter it we will shortly be at the Tower and with that i proceeded to follow Raven through the portal but not before leaving the house key in a bush once i had done that i followed Raven through the portal and as soon as i had done so i was standing in Titans Tower once i finished exiting the portal i was tackle hugged by Raven's 3 younger adopted children Melvin Timmy and Teether who then said Aunt Harley and replied hi guys how are you doing and they replied that we're doing good i then looked past them to see a young blonde who looked about 16 years old leaning against a wall watching the sight happening right in-front of her i then walked up to her and said you must be Terra and she said yeah i am but who are you exactly i then said sorry i'm your Aunt Harley i am your fathers older sister Terra then said dad has talked a little bit about you i then said hopefully good things and Terra replied he only ever talks good things about of you i then looked down and saw that Terra's skirt was dripping with a lot of water i then said Terra i know this might be a bad time to say this but i think that you have wet yourself Terra then proceeded to look down and noticed it as well Terra then said calmly first My Water Broke and she said panicky Holy Shit My Water Just Broke i then said we need to get you to a hospital right now and Terra replied back that it might be better if we go to the Med Bay and i replied that's a much better plan i just need to get a hold of your mother and father when we get there i then picked Terra off the floor and gently through her over my shoulder and proceeded to run to the Med Bay while Terra was giving me directions to where it is once we had gotten there i carried her to the nearest hospital bed in there and started to hook up some IV's and a heart monitor once i had done that i proceeded to call Raven and Garfield and tell them what's going on.

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