Buried Memories

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It was a few short seconds later that Joey came back with with a bowl of warm water and wash cloths. She had me lay Cole down on the desk after clearing away all the files, I'm not sure how I felt with my mate lying on a hard surface in his condition. She began cleaning the wound on his head, which now that I could clearly have a look at it was very deep, no wonder it was bleeding so profusely. 

Joey was still wiping away at the wound when the door opened and in walked a man in his early thirties. "Hi I'm Dr. Foster." he introduced. He had brown hair and eyes that were similar in colour. He was wearing a blue striped shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black slacks and black loafers. If it was for the stethoscope hanging around his neck and the medical bag in his hand I wouldn't have guess he was the doctor. I just hoped he knew what he was doing. He noticed Cole lying on the desktop and went straight over accessing how badly he was injured. 

"Oh Bless you for coming so quickly, it seems like sonny here has had an unfortunate encounter with a rabid animal." Joey stated, telling him the details I'd already related to her, once she notice I wasn't going to be saying anything. I was there in my own world of shame and guilt. Holding unto my mates hand like a life-line.

The Doctor brought  his stethoscope from around his neck,  listening intently to the heartbeat I was already so familiar with, the fact that I've been listening more closely to it since the accident. The doctor made his way methodically down Cole's body roaming his hand over him to see if there were any other injuries that were missed. I scowled at this and had to refrain myself from growling at him, keeping in mind the thought that he was trying to help my mate. 

The doctor worked in silence for awhile cleaning the wound on his head thoroughly with antiseptic, before stitching it up and bandaging it. I watched in silence as he looked over Cole's arm the one where the bite mark was, shame pouring from every inch of my body. This was all my fault .  

The doctor stopped short when he came to the bite, his brows furrowing into a frown. He looked a little anxious and his lips were now pierced together as if he as stopping himself from saying something. I didn't like the feeling of this, he was a doctor he should be able to help right?...

The doctor looked up into my eyes and I saw a flash of concern in his eyes. why the hell is he concerned? shouldn't he start giving my mate something for the bite?..

He looked down at the bite mark yet again then turn to look back at me... " So you said he was bitten by a rabid animal?" he enquired. 

"Yes, it was a wolf in the forest." I replied calmly while in my head I was shouting why the hell isn't he fixing this. Where's the medicine to stop the infection spreading?

"Are you sure, the wolf was rabid?" really is this guy trying to say I'm stupid? I know what a rabid animal looks like. 

"Listen I know a rabid animal when I see one, I've been around animals enough to know when something is wrong and this wolf was rabid. There were plenty of signs, like his constant thrashing and snarling, which I assume was caused by the furious stage and also the fact that he dare come near us, you know wolves don't normally come into contact with humans especially if the numbers are small and this one was alone. Plus it was salivating so I knew that it was going into the paralytic phase which is the stage before it dies. I'm surprise it last that long, the way it was behaving so violently." 

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