Just Another Day

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My eyes quickly peeled themselves open with an odd little-something smooshed very violently  against my face. I blinked away the bleary vision I was having, and snapped my eyes on a certain I rish boy.. In short.. I see Niall's feet on my face, and I couldn't help but groan and silently tried remove his feet off my face.

"The fooooooood.... was..... yummmy..... nghhhh." Niall mumbles when he sleeps with a hint of his thick irish accent seeping through. When I actually managed to get his foot of my face, I quickly hopped to the washroom while grabbing what I needed from clothes to gel in one swift movement. "Yeah, I'm a total bawse!" I stated silently; careful to wake the rest of the boys up.

After getting myself prepared, freshly shaved, bathed, clothed, gelled, and tooth brushed, I was ready to go. When I came back to the room, Nialler was already awake and is beginning to get himself clothed for the day. "Your turn Nialler." I beamed at him while indicating for the door. "Oh, Morning Lou..." he mumbled, then went to the washroom seeing as he really needed to do his business in there, if you know what I mean. Honestly, I was going to come down, but I felt like Harry needed to be woken up seeing as we slept at 3 in the morning yesterday, partying hard at a local nightclub after eating that huge tray of food Niall was more than willing to finish.

I tapped his door, careful not to wake him with an annoying sound that will trigger his hangover. No response. I tapped a little louder. Still no response. "HARREH! WAKE UP!" I screamed while banging the door loud enough that it would break. "Nghh.. Shut...up Lou, and let me sleep!" Harry hissed from the other side. I sighed in relief, and opened the door.

Typical of Harry not to close the door when he's in the room. When I actually 'managed' to get into  his room, everything was scrambled and crumpled in every nook and cranny possible, and there, beneath a pile of blue/green comforters that matches with my pink one, lies the Wicked Warlock of the Holmes Chapel. Harry. 

I couldn't help but chuckle at his position. Though it was somehow unnoticeable, that he was lying on his stomach, while on an awkward fetal position. I sighed while trying to make my way to his bed, and practically jumped to where he was in a huge plop. "HARREH! HARREH! HARREH!" I screamed on the top my lungs while jumping up and down on his comforter. "I swear Lou. Get off. NOW!" He demanded. "NOOO! NEVAAAAAAAH! WE HAVE TO WAKE UP FOR A PARTY!" I interjected. 

Harry practically dragged his covers from under my feet and I slipped down. Crap, my bum collided with the ground.. it hurts. I got a plan. I quickly posed myself in an awkward position that a human is not supposed to be in, a death pose with one of my legs facing the other way than it's suppose to be. While my mouth hangs open and my eyes close to make it believable. "Ughhh..." I mumbled loud enough for Harry to hear.

I could hear him noticing the sudden sound and whipping out of bed within seconds. "Lou! LOU!" He called out while tapping me on my shoulders and back. "LOUIS DON'T JOKE WITH ME!" he practically screamed on top of his lungs. I think that I took it far enough, but a giggle escaped my lips as he notices it, and groans begrudgingly walking to the bathroom mumbling to himself how my joke wasn't funny in anyway .

Well, it was his fault, he wouldn't wake up. He needed to learn that gravity can be cruel when people like me discover about it. I left his room as soon as I heard water splashing down the tub. I am totally mad at him, and I decided no to talk to him for the rest of the day. Hmmph, he probably will ignore me too. It's only natural.. It always was.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Zayn and Niall came down as Liam is busy scurrying to make breakfast, with his suit plopped down on one of the couches far from the food. I sighed as I quietly sat down on one of the chairs trying to take in more sleep with my head rested on the table. "Lou, you better wake up or Niall will be too busy eating your portion." My head turned to the little Irish boy who is dressed quite nicely on his fitted black suit, dress pants, and a white crisp long-sleeve eating with etiquette trying to keep food off from his clothing. He turned his head towards Liam and smiled at me, then continued eating. Typical Niall. There's no bottom for his stomach.

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