Off to Colorado we go...

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Harry POV

If we could only have this life for one more day, if we could only turn back tiiime. You know I'll be, your life, your voice, your reason to be, my love, my heart is breathing for this. Moment in time, I'll find the words to sa-aaay before you leave me to da-aay.Yeah.

"And done. Thanks guys. It was great meeting you." The interviewer shook all our hands. "Oh gosh. That was fun!" Lou cheered from behind me as we got back in the van. "Positively BRILLIANT!" Liam fist pumped in the air. I swear he over uses that word that it's not even funny.

We all groaned at the lad before we each filed in. "Next stop, a signing.. at Colorado, right?" Zayn asked clarifying the schedule written for us. Paul simply approved as he brought us back to our flats to get packing on our horrid mess, that we call our rooms.

I honestly did not want to leave Toronto since it was really fun, and all the girls were practically behaved. But not too tamed, as I might say. I totally laughed at the memory back then when I sang moments in my first concert here, and I... leaked through my eyes.

I thought the fans were all gonna be up my tooshie about it, but they were all supportive, and gave me re-assuring comments, and good byes. I for one could not simply forget that time. It is one of the unexpected moments in my life that I choose to remember.

"Oi Harry, you alright lad?" Niall asked as he observed me with curiosity. The rest of the lads followed also offering me their shoulders if I needed it. "Ah, just deep in thought. No worries mate." I smiled at them. "Though.." I added pulling Louis into a hug. "I bet Lou here can make me feel better." They all laughed, but Louis remained silent for once.

"Lou?" I asked. "Yeah mate?" his gaze met mine. "Er..."I was speechless. His gorgeous ashy-blue eyes looked at me questioningly. "Never mind. Don't forget what I said yesterday, alright mate?" he nodded, and sat back at his seat.

Oh god. I still held him without noticing. No. Harry Styles, you love girls, and you know it. Though I do admit confessing my love for him yesterday, it seems that he doesn't even respond to it all.  Maybe he just said it for the heat of the moment.. probably. My heart felt like it dropped. He couldn't have just said it without meaning it right? right.

"Hey Lou--" I was about to ask him if he wanted to talk, but his eyes remained closed. His sleeping, while his head was leaning to the windows on his side, and his eye lashes glowing within the ray of sunlight slightly shining upon him. How are we supposed to talk now?

Louis POV

I kept my eyes close as I pretended to sleep so that Harry won't talk to me for now. My heart simply kept beating as I tried to calm myself from all this madness. I know he offered me an ear if I ever wanted someone to hear me out. But I just can't. I can feel him eyeing me right now.

It sent shivers down my spine. How come all the lads seem preoccupied right now? Probably keeping us some privacy. Sometimes it really irritates me that they just do that. Do something completely unnecessary that It obviously noticeable.

"Mate were here." Someone tapped me by the shoulders, and quickly poke every part of my cheek. I rubbed my eyes, and I can feel Harry shiver. Did I do that? Can't be. Either that or I'm just imagining things. Stupid Louis. Think about it. He's your best friend, and It can't definitely work out. Management probably won't even tolerate it. Definitely not at all.

"Something wrong Haz?" I asked him curiously, and the other lads tried to hide their laughter. "N-Nothing." He mumbled as he scratched his curls, then his neck while totally avoiding my gaze. Paul then finally told us that we'll be leaving within an hour, so we practically hopped off the van as we each got into our own flats and started taking out our gym bags, and travelling materials, such as 3 suit cases, and other necessities. And with that we were off  to Colorado.

Neither of us spoke as we packed. We were to busy looking for the things that we brought from home. Both me and Harry were done within like twenty minutes. Before Harry could come out the door, I stopped mid-way, and so did he.

"Something the matter Lou?" he asked, and I shook my head as I headed down with my baggage. The other lads were just waiting for us. Well, except for Zayn. He was still on his room. He chose not to share for now, considering our group is an not even number, and Perrie was away performing on her own concert.

"That makes 4." Paul nodded as he looked cautiously around the parking lot just in case their were girls that recognized us. Hopefully there's not another mob today. I wouldn't want Liam to loose another shirt like the last time.

"Make it 5." Zayn smirked as he carried his share of the luggage inside the van. Paul nodded then helped him to get in. We were back on the road again within minutes. "So Paul when's the flight?" I asked. "About 45 minutes from now." he nodded to himself.

45 minutes. 45 minutes. What can the Swagmasta from Doncasta do in such a fine day in 45 measly minutes. I searched over the boys to see them surprisingly preoccupied with their phones. Zayn stuck his tounge out like the usual as he looks at his twitter. Harry, Niall, and Liam did the same and I just huffed feeling dissappointed that they were all occupied while I wasn't.

"Hey guy--" "Lou, if you need something to do, just go to your twitter or something." Zayn  interrupted. I crossed my arms, then quickly reached to my pocket to check my tweets, and the fanpage I made for facebook.

I gasped by the many messages that was piled in my inbox. Louis fact of the day. Don't ever not check your twitter or facebook. It would take a bloody amount of time to just simply look at each one of them. A part of me groaned as I scrolled to each one. But another part of me is happy that my relationship with Eleanor is sky rocketing with all the lovely comments that they put in.

This only leave one problem though. I hate to admit it, but I can't just simply push away the feelings I have for Harry. I just can't. Ugh, why does it have to be so hard? I gave up looking at the messages, and I leaned back on my chair. 

"Lou, I'll be at Colorado. Let's meet up! El <3~ xox"   suddenly popped on my screen. I wasn't sure, but I hesitated into saying yes. But then, I needed to talk to her... before I go about doing things that I might regret. "Sure I'd love to, love~ xoxox" I texted. 

I sighed and stared out the window. This trip to Colorado I gotta say... might be a long one.


OMG OMG! GUYS THANK YOU, THANK YOU! While I was asleep, I recieved 5 votes, 3 new readers, and 30 reads and 1 New Fan. I love you guys <3! So please enjoy this new chapter. Sorry I didn't provide that much Larry Stylinson, but what can I do. They are still somehow rejecting their own opinions about each other.


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