Accept or Deny? The truth or a lie?

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Harry POV

"It's simple Harry. Are you, or are you not dating Louis?" a man in the crisp black blazer and pants asked again. Louis winced, and paled a bit looking at his hands neatly folded on his legs. Honestly, he was never a good liar when it comes to the big guns. 

The rest of the lads were here too, but they were told to stay outside showing that they meant business. But honestly, they just needed to take away comfort so they can get under our skin and ruin my relationship with Louis when it was all resolved the other night. So, they can suck on there own *@~! and leave us alone and let us choose who we're allowed to date or not.

I felt serious pull on this subject considering I didn't want to loose Louis, not ever, and none can stop us. I bit my lip and said nothing while Louis was looking at me with frightened eyes that says 'lie... you have to.' I felt angry rejecting our relationship, but for once I knew why he said it.

I took a big sigh and stared at the person hard and shook my head. "No, were not going out." I stated. "Now can we go? I have something do that's actually worth while." I spat, and left with me grabbing Louis hard on the wrist. I can see their shocked expression as the heavy doors closed. They managed to piss a very angry Bell Grande.

The funny thing was that as soon as I saw them smirk from above us as we got in the van, I felt the sudden urge to slap it to their faces that we were infact dating and proud of it. I like no other guys, I guess I can call myself a Tomlinsexualson. The boys saw it too, and they had to dog pile on me before I can wriggle out of the van. "Let go of me!" I hissed trying to pull out from the arms of Liam and Louis.

This is completely idiotic.. they held onto me harder thinking I was going to escape, but I can barely move when I'm held by the 2 strongest men I know. I held my hands up indicating my surrender. "We know you Harry. You'll probably just run as soon as we let go." Liam stated as the rest of the boys nodded knowingly.

I was planning to that, but now that they mentioned it, it didn't seem like a good idea considering Louis threatened to not talk to me ever again for the rest of the band's life EVER if I come back there and tried to beat the crap out of those annoying twats from management, and I'd rather have that than lose him again. "Fine." I grumbled while ensnaking my arms around his waist as I sat on his lap.

"But he has to stay like this till we get home.. no complaints!" I stated feeling like a won already, but Louis did the unthinkable and tickled me till I practically flew out of my seat. "Ow." I winced trying to rub my bum as Paul instructed for me to sit down. "Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes and pouted looking at the outside.

They boys were absorbed into their own conversation, that they didn't even make any attempts of making me feel better. Louis seemed to notice it at the same time, and gave me a cheeky grin as he rubbed my knee caps. His very touch made my body tingle in a weird way. No pun intended, but you get the point.

Louis POV

Awww, he looked so adorable looking at me every second or two. He thought that I was too absorbed into the conversation to actually comfort him? HA! He is wrong. I rubbed my hand on his knee cap to let him know I'm actually aware of his existence. I felt exhilarated that he would actually take my advice for once.

It makes me feel special that he trusted me enough to actually do as I say. Though I did say with my eyes to lie to them, it hurted a little to hear it come out from his mouth, but I gotta ignore it. It was a stupid and completely idiotic reason to be mad when it was my own fault.

"Sorry you had to lie babe." I whispered in his ears, and a smirk formed on his lips. "Anything for my boobear." he winked then quickly grabbed my face and kissed me. He asked for entrance and once again I obliged with no hesitation letting our tongues entwine with no holding back. 

"PDA! PUBLIC PDA!" The lads gasped looking all mad at the sudden display of affection. "Can't I just kiss my boyfriend in peace?" I whined at them and they groaned while rolling their eyes. Harry looked at me and said. "It's not official yet love." he stated and I gasped suddenly remembering I broke it off, and never really mentioned it at all.

Oh bloody hell! ITS TRUE!!! We never asked each other back out again. Shit, shit, shit. Harry hollered in laughter seeing my frightened expression. "It's alright Lou, I'll make it official soon." he promised and I blinked confused. Why can't he ask me now? I asked myself.

"Harry would you like to" "Lou before you even finish that sentence, you know what I'm about to say, but save it for tomorrow." he hushed and I pouted. I hated surprises, and he knows that. I groaned and rolled my eyes. It pained me a bit to not make it official till tomorrow, but If I know Harry, he'll probably pull something unexpected.

"You coming?" Harry offered his hand as each one of the boys left, and we were the only ones left inside. A smile lit up my face and I took his hand. He always knew how to make me happy being in a bad mood or not.

As we arrived at the flat, I gotta ask. "Where are we going anyways?" Harry stopped and a smile lit up his face again. "Wouldn't you like to know." he stated as he ran up to the door and opened it, and opening the door for me to enter in. "After you." he said as I furiously blushed and shuffled up the stairs.

Before I went to my room, he grabbed my wrist, and I winced by the sudden pain. He noticed that, and apologized. "Lou, let's-- I'll be waiting in my room." he winked as he got in on his own room. Again my heart was strumming like a jack hammer. That boy! After I got changed, I hesitated going in, and a creak echoed through the flat as my footsteps was closer to his door.

Inside, Harry was lying on petals of roses, and I rolled my eyes on how romantic he's being. He winked when he saw me and looked at me from head-to-toe. I swear his eye-raping me! "Do anything Curly, and I won't be going to our little 'date' tomorrow." I threatened, and he nodded and patted the spot the spot next to him without that smirk not leaving his face.

AGH! What have I gotten myself into?!?!??!?!


They're getting frisky :O!

Anyways, 8 more days of summer school! WOOOO!

1 month of update 8 days away :P

Congrats to LysiLuv for guessing right. The picture was actually them kissing when Louis ran after Harry at their first fight on this edition of this fanfiction :)

Oh, and thank you for Fireflies and AlllTheFanfics for contributing :3

Lotsa Love

~Cam xxo

[P.S Thanks for 2k views guys, LOVE YOU!]

[P.P.S If I was to create another 1D Fanfic, which would you guys preffer another boy to boy shipping, like Niam, Zarry, Lilo.. etc.. or possibly do a regular one when one or two of the boys fall in love with a girl? Please elaborate -thanks!] 

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