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Name: "Callie

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Name: "Callie."

sex: "I'm a girl."

Age: "Uhh... ask Error."

Looks: "R-right here."

Sexually: "Straight."

Likes💙: "Seishin!"

Likes: "Playing videogames, hanging out with friends, being a goddess."

Dislikes: "Snakes. Irony here is that I can turn into snakes"

fears: "Death, going power crazy with Error when we go into our Goddess form."

Favorite food: "Tacos!"

Hybrid: "Snake..."

Element: "Water."

Personality: When you first meet her she's shy, but once she opens up she's sweet and adorable.

Special: "hmm..."

Weapon: "Uhh... this scythe."

Powers: "I can turn into a snake, and I can heal."

Bad thing: "I'm afraid of about everything."

Familiars: "A Cobra named Nagane."

Song: "Colin showed me this."

Little thing: "I can play the violin..."

Backstory: Too long.

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