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Name: "Tempus

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Name: "Tempus."

sex: "I'm a guy, and a god."

Age: "I'm immortally 18"

Looks: "Hey, I won't blind you."

Sexually: "Straight"

Likes💙: "Stormy!!!"

Likes: "Being awesome, fighting in Light vs Dark"

Dislikes: "Being alone."

fears: "Losing my friends."

Favorite food: "FLOOR ICECREAM!"

Hybrid: "Fox"

Element: "Lightning!"

Personality: "I'm electric." He's friends with everyone.

Special: *shrug*

Weapon: "Lightning bow and thunder blade."

Powers: "I can control lightning."

Bad thing: "Viridi is my mother."

Familiars: "I really don't have one."

Song: "I like it"

Little thing: "Don't those Komadoes look like Metroids."

Backstory: He first met the angels during the time before chapters 11 and 12. I call it Chapter 11.5.

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