Radiation (Red)

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Name: "Radiation

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Name: "Radiation. But call me Red."

sex: "Yeah, I'm a guy."

Age: "I'm a year older than my sister."

Looks: *sigh*

Sexually: "Huh?" (Straight)

Posision: "No."


off :


Likes💙: He glances off, and refuses to tell you anything.

Likes: "being alone. In my room."

Dislikes: "Not knowing what my powers are."

fears: "Hurting someone else..."

Favorite food: "Chocolate!"

Element: "None."

Personality: He's quiet and highly observant. He has to keep himself calm.

Powers: "I don't know."

Bad thing: "Whatever my powers are, they hurt people."


Little thing: " "


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