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Name: "Eris

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Name: "Eris. At your service."

sex: "Male."

Age: "22"

Looks:*adjust ps headset*

Sexually: "U-uh.." Straight.

Posision: "What!?" no


off :

from: "I'm from the Fire Nation, where I work as Princess Vulcan's guard."

Likes💙: "I'm a guard, I can't afford the luxury of having a crush."

Likes: Stuff

Dislikes: Stuff

fears: Not being able to breathe... and,failing as a guard.

Favorite food: "Salad." ONE POINT FOR THE SQUARES

Element: "Shadow."

Personality: He's a guard, with nerves of steel, though he does have a sense of humor, and he is pretty chill, but get's really stuttery if you ask about the right topics

Weapon: "My shadow blades."

Powers: "Shadow jumping, and summoning my shadow blades."

Bad thing: Din't mind him, he embarrasses easily.

Familiars: "None."


Little thing: "I consider Rachel a sister."


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