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    What makes a true Queen is not the throne she sits on
What makes a true Queen is the love she has for her Kingdom

      Kingdom of pearl, a kingdom that was once filled with terrifying love, now evil as found its way through our walls. High upon the hill, overlooking the villages was the palace. Eleven pointed towers whimpered below the sky line as the sun shone on them, Pearls scattered on the walls, glistening through out the years. Crude windows are scattered generously around the walls in seemingly perfect symmetry, along with symmetric crenelations for archers and artillery.

  A sizable gate with giant metal doors, a regular bridge, but it's not the only way in when you know the palace's secret passages.

   A handful of waterfalls flow into various small rivers and provides the precious farm fields outside the castle with needed water. The kingdom of Pearl consists of three villages; Polem, Verchies and the main village, Pearleon, where everything is announced and where you will find everyone on a daily basis.

  Once, this Kingdom was everything I ever hoped for, but everything has changed. Several weeks after my dear father's passing and I was still wallowing in grief. "Was I the cause of his untimely death?" I kept thinking over and over.
"But why would I be?"

   I pulled the covers over my body as I thought about my father that was no more. My father's wives stopped their mourning after his burial, all they kept going on about was the crown. I calculated they must have planned to break the crown in three so they could share it up evenly. I on the other hand, didn't want anything to do with that crown. I never saw that strange man again after my father's burial. Everyone ignored all that the man said, even my uncle, he pretends he doesn't know anything about this so call witchcraft. Could this be the killer's name? Could it?

   Finally, I helped myself out of bed. Wearing my night gown, I walked towards the bathroom to bath. Knock Knock, I heard outside my bedroom door as I wrapped myself in a green robe.

"Who dare disturb my peace?" I bickered.

"Princess, its me, Ariel, the maid."

"You may enter."

  Ariel, my childhood friend and now a maid in the palace, a beautiful brunette that always tries to see the good in people rather than the bad. Ariel stepped inside the room with poise and bowed. "Good morning, my Princess."

  I walked over to her and took her hands in mine. "Ariel, why not call me by my name?" I asked as I hugged her.

"I enjoy calling you my Princess more," She used her fingers to fiddle with the green beads she always wears around her neck. "Besides, your the best Princess one could ask for."

The morning was growing colder by the minute. I went and wrapped myself in another robe.

"So how is your family?" I asked Ariel as I sat on the bed. "Come, sit" I patted the bed next to me gesturing her to come along.

"My family is okay" She answered while seated next to me. "How are you?"

I stared at the marble floor wondering how I should answer that question. Truth is, words couldn't explain what I was going through, I was truly lost without my father. "Soon, I will be better" I finally answered.

Ariel walked over to the table by my bedside. She took up a small mirror and walked back towards me. "Princess, look at her" She demanded while holding the mirror in front my face.

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