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Dear Torilin of Pearl,
It seems the Trogens have been camping off the shore of old ridge cliff. They have made it to the house of the Pamplets on the north side, but they were blocked from entering the City of Looms.

Many wish they had succeeded in this journey because at least then, we wouldn't have to fear them any longer. The gates of Pearl better be strong, for these cannibals are preparing for war, warn the King before it's too late.

I saw your messenger today in the fields of Port pine, he is clueless as to the Trogens plan . From your childhood friend, moreover, your sister, I send my love, greet your husband, the King for me and give the little one a kiss on the cheek and tell her, her aunt Zenish loves her.~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I found this letter while going through my father's most precious items, the things he treasured the most and which he held most dearly. I struggled to make sense of what the person in the letter was saying about the City Of Looms. But then I started to wonder who this person was, she was a close friend of my mother's or maybe her sister, I could tell you that from what I had read in the letter. "But why haven't I met this Zenish lady before?"

The bell finally struck midnight while I continued going through my late father's belongings with a torch in hand, it was the only source of light in the dark room that still smelt fresh from my father. I was supposed to be crowned in the morning at sunrise but I felt like I still needed to know more. Prince Daylan left for his kingdom two days ago, he said he'd be back soon but I didn't want to get my hopes up, so I refused to believe a word he said.

Seated on my late father's bedroom floor with carts of papers and other strange things before me, I grew tired and sleepy. I decided to bring the carts back to my room to finish going through them on my bed, so I got up from the floor and scrunched my arms and took them up while still holding the torch in hand and I fumbled out of the room. My father's bedroom was at the very back of the castle, much bigger than any other bedroom in the castle. I blew the torch out as I was in the hallway. The guards stood still at their posts as usual, armoured up, each wearing a chainmail armour, and a chain coif on the head.

I fumbled pass the chambers of my stepmothers with the heavy weight in my hand. "No! You do not get to do that" I heard Elizabeth say from inside her chambers. I gently placed the items on the ground and tiptoed to her room door made of board and leaned on my side so my ear would be on it. "Keep it down, someone might hear you" another voice whispered trying to calm her down. "Love, I am sick of keeping us a secret, I want to let the world know about us, that this baby, my baby is yours." Uttered Elizabeth. I heard footsteps walking towards the door. "Beth, I love you but I... I don't know if I can do this" now the voice connected, I realized that it was the Duke.

My heart began to beat at a faster pace, I slowly backed away from the door and took the items back in my arms. I expected nothing from my stepmothers but I actually thought Elizabeth cared about my father. I whimpered to my room with tears in my eyes, I was disappointed, lost and confused.

I kept my eyes close even though I was awake and well. Truth is, I was afraid that if I opened my eyes I would be opening up my eyes to reality, to my imperfect life. I was afraid that if I opened my eyes I would be inviting everlasting tears. "Was I dreaming? Is Elizabeth really not carrying the seed of my late father?" I kept thinking. I really wished it to be a dream but I guess that was too much for someone like me to wish for. "Princess Venus" Ariel daintily knocked twice on the door and called. Yes, I heard her and I really wanted someone to talk to but I was not in the mood to have anyone around me. "My Princess, My Princess" She continued to knock. "Please go away!" I screamed.

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