Knight in Shining Armor

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       Jabberwock Island is a luxurious place in which the 77th class of Hope's Peak Academy are currently residing. They're on a field trip for a social experiment as Usami, the magical girl rabbit, delightedly explained on the first day. With the class full of bright and colorful students, it's no wonder their days are full of thrilling adventures. Two of the students are currently engaged in a fascinating conversation. Well, more like one of the two is actually paying attention.


Hajime jumped in his seat, "What?"

"Dude, were you listening to anything I said?"

Hajime paused before continuing to sip his orange juice, "Totally."

His mind began to drift once more, 'This place is pretty awesome if you take out that strange rabbit and bizarre teddy bear,' Hajime thought to himself. The place was practically a resort. 'Now that I think about it, how come we're the only people on this island?'

"Oh really?" Souda crossed his arms, "Then what did I just say?"

He snapped back into reality, "Um, something about Sonia?"

"That was five minutes ago!"

"Well, you kept on talking about her!"

Souda huffed and Hajime sighed, "Alright, tell me what I missed."

"As I was saying, did you check out that new movie?"

"What new movie?"

"How have you not heard? Oh, that's right, you weren't listening to your soul friend!"

"I'm sorry, alright?"

Souda continued, "Everyone's talking all about it. Togami hasn't slept in days, Chiaki is drinking coffee to avoid nightmares, and Peko has her hand on her sword as if she's waiting for a battle."

Hajime raised an eyebrow, "Since when are you a gossip?"

"Miss Sonia told me," Souda's eyes brightened, "She started a conversation with me! How amazing was that?"

"But why would you of all people want to see it?"

"For a date with Miss Sonia, obviously."

"That sounds like a date you'd take someone before breaking up with them."

"No, no, no. What happens when you take someone to a scary movie?"

Hajime was confused, "They get scared?"


"And that's so good thing because...?"

"Then you become their savior."

Hajime was silent for a moment, "I still don't get it."

"Let's pretend for a moment that you're my lovely, charming Miss Sonia."

"Sounds creepy..."

"Come on!"

"Is this for my benefit or yours?"

"Just do it!"

Hajime attempted to make his voice higher pitched, "I am ever so petrified of this frightening movie! Oh, whatever shall I do?"

Souda put an arm around Hajime, "Don't fret my dear Sonia, for I am here. Let me comfort you in my strong arms."

Hajime desperately tried not to burst into laughter, "You are my hero, Souda Kazuichi."

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