Complete and Utter Devotion

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       The headboard creaked and groaned under their weight. Hands roamed and explored each other's bodies and soft skin. The air in the room grew heavy as they could both feel the humidity rising. Discarded garments were spread throughout the room. Smoke from outside was creeping its way into the rundown building and slowly suffocating the two of them. In the distance, they could hear gunfire and agonizing screams. Despair was delightfully delicious...



'That dream... it was so vivid and clear. So, why can't I remember what it was about?'

       Hajime suddenly found himself on the floor tangled in his bedsheets. He could hear the ocean's soft waves and the squawking of the seagulls. Hajime jumped when he heard loud knocking at his door.


"Yo, Hajime! Get your ass outta bed!" Fuyuhiko yelled through the cottage door, "Teruteru's about finished making breakfast, so you better hurry before Akane stuffs her face with all of it."

Hajime rolled his eyes, "I'll be right there."

       After struggling to untangle himself from the bedsheets, Hajime slowly walked over to the bathroom. He turned on the faucet and splashed some cold water on his face.

Hajime slapped his forehead, "What the hell is wrong with me?"

'Numerous things,' a stoic voice mirroring Hajime's own replied, 'Would you like me to list the first ten?'

"Don't you start, Izuru," Hajime groaned, "It's way too early for you to start causing problems in my life."

'According to my calculations based on the position of the sun, it is approximately nine in the morning.'

Hajime raised an eyebrow, "Your point being-?"

'You have wasted enough time sleeping,' Izuru hissed, 'Do not forget you are using up my existence as well.'

Hajime glared at his disheveled appearance through the mirror, "Don't get mad at me. You're not the one who has to manage all this hair."

'I prefer having my hair at this length rather than that ridiculous haircut,' Izuru snapped.

"At least I didn't have to waste so much time and shampoo on it!" Hajime retorted.

'Perfection must never be rushed.'

"Shut up," Hajime began to unbutton his pajama shirt, "I'm taking a shower."

At the Restaurant...

"Hajime!" Souda waved him over, "I saved your seat!"

Hajime set down his tray next to Souda, "Wait, you are Hajime, right? Not the other guy?"

"The one and only," Hajime took a sip of orange juice, "Why are you here by yourself?"

"Uh, no reason," Souda rubbed the back of his neck, "Can't a guy enjoy some solitude?"

Hajime raised an eyebrow, "But, it's not solitude if I'm with you."

'The fool actually underestimates my intelligence,' Hajime could hear Izuru scoff in his head, 'It is quite clear he is a liar.'

'Don't you mean our intelligence?' Hajime thought back.

'I was not aware you had any.'

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