- mistakes & drunk calls

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     "Have a drink, babe, have some fun!" Hyemi grinned, "you never know, you might meet someone."
She winked, and Jisu frowned.
     "I'm still with Hoshi..."
Hyemi rolled her eyes, passing a strong, alcoholic drink to her friend.
     "Oh yeah, right," she muttered miserably. Suddenly, her voice grew hushed and excited, grabbing hold of Jisu's hands, giggling, "it's Taehyun. Oh my god, he's coming over. Act natural, act natural!"
Jisu laughed, gently detaching her best friend and looking up, greeting the group of young men, warmly.
     "Jisu-ya," Taehyun grinned, "I haven't seen you in a long, long time. You still with Hoshi?"
Jisu coughed, smiling awkwardly.
     "It's complicated."
     "Complicated enough for me to offer you a drink?" a young man stepped forward, an endearing smirk immediately catching Jisu's eyes. 
     "I believe the last time we met I was a bit of an ass," Kenta laughed, "may I apologise? There was really no need for the way I acted, you're an excellent dancer."
Nia chuckled, nudging Jisu slightly.
     "Get in there, babe."
Jisu blushed, slightly.
     "I...have a drink. But I'll let you know when I'm finished."
     "Glad to hear. So...you forgive me?" Kenta asked, flirtatiously touched Jisu's hand, lightly.
     "Of course," she murmured.
     "So, what's going on with you and Hoshi?" Taehyun coughed, as if to tell Kenta to back off.
Jisu shrugged.
     "We...fell out."
Taehyun frowned.
     "Why? Jisu tell me what happened."
     "Taehyun-" Jisu began, as if speaking to an older brother.
     "Jisu," he warned, his eyes serious.
Jisu bit her lip.
     "We've been officially dating for 11 months, right? Nearly a year...but we've been talking for long over that. A-And..." she broke off.
     "He won't tell her he loves her," Hyemi answered, quickly, "he just gets angry when she asks him why. He's a total jerk, he acts like he owns her."
     "It's true," Nia nodded, "you know, he says Hyemi's his and that means she'll never leave him. He's so egotistical."
     "Stop," Jisu snapped, "stop bad-mouthing him. Hoshi was there for me when neither of you were."
     "Ah, I think the competition is about to start," Taehyun said hastily, grasping hold of Jisu's wrist, leading her closer to the dance floor.
     "He likes you," Taehyun whispered, as he preened himself, getting ready.
     "Who?" Jisu frowned, taking a sip of her drink.
     "Kenta," Taehyun sighed, "be careful."
     "He seems like a nice guy," Jisu shrugged.
Taehyun raised one eyebrow.
     "He is. A really nice guy. But it won't faze him if you and Hoshi are still together - he's going to try to get you."
     "Maybe," Jisu swallowed, "maybe I want him to get me."
     "What are you talking about, Jisu? You love Hoshi-" Taehyun was cut across immediately.
     "But he doesn't love me," Jisu muttered, "maybe, to get over him, I need to be with someone else."
     "Jisu, no--" Taehyun broke off, sighing, "I'm always here for you, you're like a sister to me, and I know when you're lying. Sleeping with someone else will only break your own heart, not to mention Hoshi's."
     "What if I don't care," Jisu's voice wavered, though she tried to sound dignified.
     "But you do care," Taehyun rested one hand on Jisu's shoulder, "because you're too nice. Look, just be careful. It's fine to loosen up and have fun, but don't go too far."
Jisu nodded, smiling.
     "Yes, big brother," she teased, before stepping away to let him get into position with the rest of JBJ.
Kenta looked up, his eyes sparkling as the music begun to play. Jisu shot him a small, charming smile, ruffling her hair. As she watched the group dance, her stare on Kenta from the beginning, all Jisu could think about was Hoshi. She hated herself for it - but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get over his smile, his laugh, his kiss, his touch.

      "Why not get her some chocolates or something?" Woozi suggested, falling into the seat next his close friend and handing him a glass of soju.
     "Because it's not special enough," Hoshi explained, "I need something that'll mean something. A commitment, to show her I want to be in her life forever."
Woozi suddenly grinned, his eyes lighting up.
     "A promise ring. Get her a promise ring. It's not as big as an engagement ring, but it's a sign of love and commitment."
It was perfect. Hoshi knew Jisu adored rings, and he knew she loved sentiment. A promise ring would be perfect for him to tell her he loved her.
     "What would I do without you," Hoshi laughed, downing the alcoholic drink in one. Slamming the cup onto the table, he nodded once.
     "Another one!"
It was an hour later that the soju begun to take it's thole on the young man. His friends danced to the loud music with girls and guys from all over South Korea, while he sat, completely drunk, staring at the ceiling. He fumbled in his pocket and staggered up. Stumbling out of the club, Hoshi pulled his phone from his trousers. Drunkenly he dialled the number he'd dialled the most for the past year or so. Holding it up to his ear, he impatiently waited for her to answer.
     "Hello?" hearing her voice tore his heart into two.
     "Jisu," Hoshi croaked.
On the other end, he heard scuffs and muffled changing of hands as the music that had been playing loudly immediately stopped.
He breathed in deeply, his eyes already stinging with hot, painful tears.
     "This past week, I don't think I've cried so much in my entire life," although he slurred his words, Jisu didn't register his drunken tone.
     "Hoshi, please don't," she begged, "don't do this to me."
     "I miss you," Hoshi whispered, "and I'm an idiot for letting you go that easily."
     "We're just on a break. I-It's not official..." Jisu felt guilt begin to set in her stomach.
     "I know, but it feels like it is. I don't deserve someone as good as you," Hoshi swallowed, holding back his cries.
On the other side, Jisu wasn't doing as well. A mixture of missing him and feeling regret and iniquity. In seconds she was in tears. How could she have done this to Hoshi?
     "Hoshi...baby...I'm so sorry...but I've done something really really bad."
Hoshi felt his heart sink, and he slid down the dirty brick wall onto the cold, grey pavement.
     "Have you slept with someone?" he was afraid to hear the answer.
     "I didn't go that far with him," Jisu mumbled, "we...we just kissed. A-A lot."
     "Who was it?" Hoshi began to find talking harder, and harder. He felt weak.
     "Kenta," Jisu whimpered, "please Hoshi, I'm so sorry. I still love you and I need you, but I've been drinking, and I was vulnerable. I felt like I needed to get over you, like I wasn't worth anything any more."
     "I...I have to go..." Hoshi didn't even wait to hear Jisu's begs, he pressed the button to end the call, then the anger and the distraught flooded through his body. Heavy tears fell, and he screamed, slamming his head against the wall.
     "Yah! This isn't fair! I loved her...I loved her so much..."

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