- for her

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     The next week was awkward for Hoshi and Jisu. Neither had released to the press that they had split up; maybe they were both hoping it wouldn't last. But inside Pledis, everyone knew. Both worked hard to stay out of each other's way, but it was difficult when they worked in essentially the same department. At lunch they ate in the same room, like usual, but avoided eye contact and mentioning the other's name.
     "So...you two are really over?" Hyemi asked, thoughtfully.
     "Yes," Jisu said quietly, "but I'd rather not--"
     "I was just wondering if it'd bother you if I were to ask Hoshi out," Hyemi shrugged, "but you'll be okay with that, right?"
Jisu looked at her friend in silence, unsure if she was serious.
     "Yeah, I thought so," Hyemi giggled, "Hoshi-yaaaa!"
Nia met Jisu's eyes, holding a hand up to her head, sighing.
     "Before you ask, she's not even joking."
     "I...I'm not entirely..." Jisu began, before breaking off, hearing Hoshi's lazy voice.
     "What is it, Hyemi?"
     "Do you fancy going for a drink, tonight?" Hyemi smirked, slightly, fluttering her eyelashes flirtatiously.
Jisu avoided Hoshi's stare. Hyemi was nowhere near Jisu's level, to him, and it had only been a week since he'd broken up with her. Taking up the offer wouldn't be right - nor would he even enjoy a night with Hyemi. But Jisu took Hoshi's silence as thinking of a way to accept without hurting her feelings. She stood, sharply.
     "Oh for gods sake, just say yes, I know you want to."
With that she stumbled out, a sharp pain stabbing at her chest. Almost as soon as she stepped through the door, she fell to her knees, her hands clutching at her heart, groaning in agony. The last things she heard were Hoshi's abrupt screams, and Nia's shocked cries; then everything went black.
     Hoshi rushed to her side faster than anybody else. He'd seen her fall out of the corner of his eyes, and was the first to respond. Nia followed suit - already aware of Jisu's condition, having visited the hospital with the 19 year old a few days earlier.
     "What happened? What's wrong with her?! Jisu! Jisu wake up! Please...baby...don't do this to me...open your eyes!" Hoshi begged, beginning to feel himself break down. He couldn't lose Jisu like this.
     "We need to get her to the hospital," Nia said urgently, "she's had a heart attack."
Hoshi swallowed, nodding, and, with tears in his glistening eyes, he slid his arms under Jisu's limp body and hauled her into his arms.
     "Call a taxi," he demanded, "quickly."
     "Manager-nim will drive us," Vernon flew around the corner, their manager hurrying behind him.
     "Come, Nia and Hoshi will travel in my car, I want all of you to take the bigger car with your bodyguards. I'd say stay here, but I know you'd all just stubbornly ignore me. We'll meet you there - now hurry into the car."
Hoshi did as he was told, practically running. He lay Jisu along the back seat, her head resting in his lap, and Nia took the passenger seat.
     "You said she's had a heart attack," Hoshi said slowly, "how do you know that?"
     "I and Jisu went to the doctors a few days ago, because she'd been getting pains in her chest. The doctor told us the stress she was under was beginning to have a physical affect on her heart. He warned us to keep her calm and out of any sort pressure. I didn't realise Hyemi asking you out would stress her out as much as it did. Her heart must have just...given up," Nia explained, speaking gently for Hoshi's benefit.
     "Is she...is she going to wake up?" Hoshi whispered.
Nia nodded.
     "If we get there quick enough, definitely. Don't worry, Hoshi, while you're here with her, she can get through anything."
Hoshi ran a shaking hand through his hair.
     "When I saw her fall, Nia, I'd never been so scared in my life before."
     "Because you still love her," Nia's voice was thick with spite, "and you're regretting letting her go."
     "She kissed someone else-" Hoshi started, his voice breaking ever so slightly.
     "Can't you let it go? One mistake, that's all she made, one mistake after almost a year of putting up with your angry outbursts," Nia said angrily, "it wouldn't surprise me if you laid your hand on her!"
     "I never hit her," Hoshi bit his lip, speaking quietly, "I would never hit her. Don't ever say that to me again."
     "I...I'm sorry," Nia apologised, "I didn't mean to go that far, I know she meant a lot to you."
     "Meant?" Hoshi repeated, "she still does."
He looked down at Jisu, running his fingers through her hair. He passed his thumb over her lips, missing her badly.
     "Jisu will need a secure place to say after she gets out of hospital," manager-nim spoke up, "and although she's staying at Hyemi's right now, all her stuff is at your flat. Surely it would be an easier place for her to stay?"
Hoshi met Nia's sparkling eyes through the wing-mirror.
     "I agree with Manager-nim," she smiled, sweetly, "her clothes are at yours still, and she has all her feminine products in your bathroom. Besides, at Hyemi's she's sleeping on the sofa - at yours she can sleep in a bed...with you..."
     "I...I don't know," Hoshi croaked, lying. Of course he knew.
     "Then think of it like this," manager-nim said, "she would recover faster in a comfier, and safer environment. Don't do it for you - do it for her."
Hoshi smiled, ever so slightly.
     "If it's for her..."
As soon as they pulled up outside the hospital, they sprinted inside, Jisu in Hoshi's arms. Her doctor laid eyes on her motionless body and immediately called for emergency back up. She was rushed into surgery, while the three were joined by Seventeen and Hyemi. Hoshi paced the waiting room, too worried to stay still for even a second.
     "Calm down," Jun said softly, "she'll be fine."
     "How do I know that?" Hoshi panicked, "what if I never see her again? What if I never get to hug her, and kiss her? What if I never get to tell her I love her?"
     "We need to get him out of here," S.Coups muttered, "it's driving him insane, and he won't be able to see her for ages. Take him out somewhere."
Woozi nodded, thinking back to their night out, before it all went wrong, when Hoshi was speaking of a promise ring.
     "Hoshi," Woozi soothed, "I think you need to take a walk - and I know where to. What better way for Jisu to wake up, than the love of her life offering a ring to promise his undying romance?"
     "How do you not have a girlfriend?" Nia murmured, in awe, licking her lower lip.
     "We'll see if I can change that when I get back," Woozi smirked, winking, before snatching up Hoshi's wrist and leading him out of the front doors.
     "I don't want to leave her," Hoshi whined.
     "This is more important. It needs to mean something. What's her favourite jewel?" Woozi quizzed as they hurried through back-alleys into the town.
     "Diamond," Hoshi blushed, "she says it's because I'm her diamond."
     "Perfect," Woozi grinned, "a 17 carat diamond promise ring. I saw the most beautiful once a few months ago...I think it'd be just right for Jisu. It's a silver diamond encrusted infinity symbol, with a rose-gold heart wrapped through it."
As they stumbled into the attractive jewellery shop, Woozi almost instantly saw the exact ring he had been speaking of.
     "That's it!" he said excitedly, "buy her that one."
     "I...don't have any money on me..." Hoshi groaned, disappointment setting in.
Woozi fumbled in his jacket pocket, and pulled out a brown leather wallet.
     "Here. Just pay me back when you get the chance."
     "Are you sure?" Hoshi asked, nervously.
     "Of course, Jisu is a lot more important. Go on, buy it."

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