- we should take a break

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     Hoshi dabbed at his face, delicately, with the white towel. He'd worked hard in the class, using it as a way to release his fury. Jisu sat in the corner, drinking from a bottle, staring at the floor, expressionless. Her neck hurt badly, but finally, at 9pm she could go home, her day at work finished. Hoshi leant against the wall, watching her, his upper lip curling into a nasty sneer.
    "How many other guys do you flirt with, then?"
Jisu frowned, looking up wearily.
    "What?" she whispered.
    "Sewoon, I know about him, and then that trainee guy? You seemed pretty damn happy for someone who'd just fallen out with her boyfriend," Hoshi snarled.
     "He was cheering me up," Jisu snapped, "I can't teach in tears, can I? Hoshi what are you talking about? You know what about Sewoon?"
Hoshi lowered his eyes, his voice low.
     "We both know, that even if I weren't your boyfriend, you'd still be mine. If we were to break up, you'd never move on, you're not going anywhere. But still...I don't want you flirting with other guys any more."
Jisu tilted her head, unsure she had heard that right.
     "You egotistical bastard...1st of all, how dare you even think for once second that I would consider cheating on you. 2nd, you may be right, I'm not going anywhere, I'm yours - and I may also never get over you if we break up. But how about this, Kwon Soonyoung; maybe you should think about how you will take our break up. You may not be able to say it, but you feel some sort of love for me. Maybe...maybe we should take a break, give you some space to figure out what you want. I'll-I'll stay as Nia's. Will you be okay?"
Hoshi froze, his heart aching, this was moving too fast.
     "Yeah, okay. I'll be fine," he lied, lazily.
Jisu felt disheartened - she'd wanted him to at least utter "I'll miss you". His pride meant more than she did, clearly.
As she walked away, Hoshi wanted to scream her name, tell her he loved her, beg for forgiveness - anything to stop her from leaving him, but once again, as if someone had stolen his voice, no words came out until the door shut behind her.
     "I'm sorry," Hoshi whispered, crouching down, bursting into heavy, broken tears. 
It was an hour later when S.Coups found his dongsaeng sitting against the wall in the dance room, crying harder than ever. His face was red, his cries silent.
     "Woah, what the hell, Hoshi, are you okay? What happened? Did you hurt yourself or something?" S.Coups fell down in front of the crying 21 year old, worry filling his face.
     "M-Me and J-Jisu are an a b-break.." Hoshi stammered, wiping his wet eyes with one sleeve.
     "Oh man...what happened?" S.Coups bit his lip, pulling Hoshi into a tight hug.
     "I'm an idiot. You were right, I'm going to lose her. Just because I'm too scared to tell her how I feel. I got so mad at her," Hoshi whimpered, "I hurt her. I didn't mean to, but looking at her made me so frustrated, knowing how many guys she could turn to if we broke up. I'd have nobody. Dino's right, I'm not her best option."
     "Don't do this to yourself," S.Coups said firmly, "look, you and Jisu have your ups and downs - but you always make up."
     "A girl in the class said we were the cutest couple...she said we were so close...I don't know if that's true anymore. We used to tell each other everything, now we hardly talk," Hoshi whispered, "because I never listen to her."
     "Hoshi..." S.Coups began, unsure how this would end.
     "No. I need to tell someone how I feel; I can't keep it bottled up," Hoshi begged.
     "Carry on," S.Coups pulled away from his friend, to concentrate fully.
     "I love her," Hoshi started, looking away, "I just always mess things up. The only reason Hyejin cheated on me was because I spent more time working than with her. I thought the same thing would happen to Jisu. I rushed into "I love you" with Hyejin...I didn't want to do the same with Ji. I'm an idiot, I can't do anything right. She's so good to me. I don't think I could have done the choreographing without her there, relaxing me, telling me I could do it. I didn't even thank her, I just slept with her then moved onto the next day. I need her. For 11 months she put up with my short-temper. I couldn't ask for someone better. I know I changed when we became official to the public but..."
S.Coups watched the young man, thoughtfully.
     "It'll work out in the end, you'll see."

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