Chapter V : Friend or enemy?

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It was not till early morning that one by one, each and every presence in the mansion slowly rose from their deep slumber.

While the sun didn't even creep out of the horizon, Anne's alarm suddenly jingled making her jump out - or more likely fall - out of the bed. Rising from her spot next to the fluffy mattress with a groan, she threw herself at the desk her phone charged on, and with a swift move turned off the device. Trying to open her eyes but failing in the process, the curly haired girl made her way back onto her best friend - no, not Skylar, the bed.

"Oh don't you even think about going back to sleep now!" The voice of the white haired girl beamed through the silent room, hands pulling at her friend's unicorn themed pajamas. If there was any major detail she instantly learned about Anne back in 5th grade it was the fact that once asleep, there's absolutely no way you can bring her back to life.

"When did you even have time to wake up?" She opposed

"Sleep is for the weak" Smirked a tired yet willing to argue Skylar
Hearing the last remark a mix of worry and astonishment took over Anne's figure - "You actually mean you didn't sleep at all night? Are you kidding me? This will be like a whole day on the road. How are you not dead yet?"

"Oh come on now, this isn't even my final form yet" She jokingly said while twisting and getting out of the comfortable blankets. "You know I can stay up at least 24 hours, it's no big deal."

Looking at her cell phone clock, she rolled her eyes, turning to Anne once again "3:45am? Are you nuts? We were supposed to leave in 2 hours! I can bet the boys aren't even up yet! What are we going to spend so much time on?"
"What about packing? We didn't get to make any preparations before bed."
"True , but I really doubt packing is going to take us more than 20 minutes." Sky pointed out too. "As we're both awake why not actually out a little effort in getting ready?" A devilish smile crept onto her features.
"Is it just me or you wanna impress a certain someone?" Anne smirked back.

"...oh shut it"

4:45 pm

By this time both girls packed their necessities and chose their comfortable yet lovely outfits.

Anne wore one of her favorite body type of top - The Weeknd merch - along with a pair of short black mom jeans and converse topped with a winged eyeliner makeup, her wavy hair flooding her shoulders.

The older Lane opted for a more geeky outfit - an oversized Pewdiepie hoodie which's length hid her short thighs showing off her vintage tattoos as well as a pair of low converse. Catching her snowy locks in two messy space buns she applied some maroon eyeshadow along with a pair of sharp , black eyeliner.

They picked up both of their habitual jewelries, plus the precious guitar pick which was now in Skylar's possesion and just like this , the duo carefully made their way down the stairs and towards the guest room.

"Do you think we should wake them up already? They are the ones supposed to drive, maybe we should let them rest a little bit more" Suggested Anne. What she didn't anticipate was her friend not even worrying about this aspect and as soon as reaching their room's door, barging in and assaulting all three of the guys into giving in and waking up. "Ok guess not" She finished her phrase, immediately followed by a chorus of grunts full of inconvenience.

"Just 5 more minutes and I'm up pleaseee" Typical Dimitri.
"Let me sleep for god's sake!" Typical Kyle.
"Let me get my beauty sleep" Typical Damian.

Once the white haired hot-head convinced herself there's no way the bunch of sloths on the bed were going to wake up a better idea popped in the back of her head : actually ripping the blankets off of the three of them and leaving the freezing atmosphere eat them alive.
Yup. Because that's what a true friend would do in order not to make them miss the time of their lives. And so, she woke up Dimitri and Kyle, which were not even half as happy interrupting their sweet sleep as she was seeing them in pain.

Damian on the other hand, was such a deep sleeper that he didn't even move from his spot. 'Let the games begin' Whisper-shouted the curly haired girl leaving the doorway along with the two other males and shutting it in the process.

'Ok now this is just ridiculous, we could just throw him in the car and he wouldn't even notice.' She thought while continuing to shake his upper body hoping to at least make him acknowledge her presence.


"What now? Throw water all ov-" that devious smile again "-well that could work"

Lifting her weight off the mattress and to the bathroom door Skykar picked up as much water as she could fit in the plastic container placed beside the bathroom's window carefully making her way back to the spot Damian had been having his 'beauty sleep'.

'Alright now'
one... two ... and thr-
"Try me and you're dead" The voice of none other than Sleeping Beauty echoed through the dark and empty room.

"Holy mother of- Jesus Damian don't do that!"
"So I'm not allowed to scare you but you are to harass me? Mmmh not fair Sky, not fair." Said the boy while stretching on the coach and yawning as for a lifetime.
"Excuse me peasant , I was doing everyone here a favor alright?"
"The favor of making me need to have a shower before we leave? Aaaand lose time? Aaa-" He was cut off by an 'Ok just shut up and go get yourself ready ' look on Skylar's face. "Aright, alright, I got it, I'm going"

Smiling the duo got out of the guest room, making sure not to leave a mess around, and finally found themselves in the kitchen, where the whole group was having their life giving potion - or coffee for short .

5:45 am

Everyone was what seemed like at least ready and very happy to finally have the time of their lives so now, one by one, the five-man group started shuffling through every corner of the house's rooms, making sure no to forget anything that could possibly assure them a good resource spring through the long and tiring trip.

"Guess we're truly ready to go huh?" Dimitri absently asked looking at his old friends and examining every bag or backpack they brought along.
"Pretty much" Came their response.

"Off we go" The older Ashworth
finished his sentence.

But something none of them had knowledge about waited to happen - right there in his usual 'visiting' spot stood the same guy Skylar knew too well, the same person whose necklace was now dangling from the girl's neck and loosely hanging on her chest, the person that constantly interrupted her train of thoughts and didn't let her get a single minute of sleep that night -


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