Chapter VII : The roots of the past

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Hours have passed since the two vehicles commenced their course of action , the only blare that could be heard coming from the tall , black Jeep being Kyle's faint muttering.

"So where are we going to spend the night at anyway?" Dimitri quietly inquired as the three sleepyheads were still abiding the dream world.

"What , you didn't sleep on a beach before?" The younger Lane pointed out , his aspect radiating both eagerness and a slight trace of sarcasm.

"I should've seen this coming." progressed the man "Ever since I've known you two , there wasn't a single boring idea to go past your words." a smile now haunting his features.

At an instant , the best and random idea ever crossed the musician's thoughts: "Hey ... you still kept in touch with Aidan , right?"

"Considering the amount of time spent with her?" He desperately remarked proceeding to hungrily point at Anne's sleeping figure. "Son , I even know the time he has breakfast , lunch , dinner , when he goes out and even when he tak-"

"Whoaaa there , I got it , I got it they have a healthy relationship." The young adult hurriedly severed Dimitri's phrase before things ... heated up.

"So what does Aidan have to do with this?" The older male spoke up.

"I was thinking .." - Kyle went on , making sure to double check on the curly haired woman which was apparently still softly snoring in the back -"You know her birthday's in three months right?" the boy kid around , remembering every time this time period peeked its head around the corner , Anne was there to remind them - Every time for what? 28 years? Pffft

"Nice way of thinking."- Dimitri smirked , handing him his phone -"Message him the details then erase the conversation"

"I'm working on it"- the younger male replied while typing away -"You should think about taking a break too , we've been moving for at least 3 hours , it's a long way to go too." He then pointed out.

"As soon as we find a good spot - bet on it , I'm starting to not feel my arms at all. Bet the world Sebastian isn't doing any better either."

10:00 am

Finally , one by one the three fantasizers awakened from their deep slumber. The first one to recognize her surroundings was Anne Marie and of course she couldn't contain her need to snap a picture of the still sleeping duo: Skylar having her arms laced around the male's torso , her legs now bent over his thighs while Damian's arms holding her back and legs in place. What the grinning airhead found the most adorable though? The snowy-haired woman's face slightly hidden in the crook of the man's neck , his chin resting on top of her head as the headphones now dangled from each person's visible ear.

Now feeling both happy and fulfilled with her goal being accomplished , the girl swiftly slipped out of the car only to immediately be greeted by the guys' kind smiles:

"Mornin'.." She mumbled , her hands basically flying to shield herself from the unexpected burning sun.

The first one to react was the older Ashworth -"Morning smurf"

"Slept well?" Bastian continued , puffing smoke from his cigarette at the same time.

"More or less"- She simply informed -" long has it been since we stopped?"

"About 5 minutes or so , don't worry , we're not leaving until everybody decides to get a good stretch" Kyle lastly commented earning the curly-haired girl's light snickers.

"I'm starting to feel like you don't enjoy my presence at all , Lane" came a second , sleepy yet playful vocalization.

"Who , me?" the younger boy 'painfully' replied , hands brought to his chest and failing not to laugh regarding Damian's reaction.

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