Chapter III : Old bonds Never Die II

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It wasn't until late in the morning when the small family woke up from their deep slumber. One by one, the five grown-ups began having second thoughts about their bad decision of having a few more drinks than their bodies could actually handle.

Ignoring the dizziness and killing headache that took over her senses the snowy-haired woman made her way to the kitchen counter. Carefully strolling through the mess left over the previous night, she tried clearing her head - 'Alright, I only need some painkillers. It's just a hangover, been there before'

And so, with each tiny step she executed the flood of memories came back:

Dimitri kept asking Kyle for his guitar. Of course that being the nice drunk person he always is he eventually gave in. The only thing that the young man didn't consider was his friend trying to do a guitar swing with his precious and expensive Taylor. That didn't go well, obviously, but their expressions sure were worth remembering.

'So that's why it's a little messed up'

Looking the other way she found herself questioning when and how on earth did Anne end up sleeping upside down on the couch. How was that even possible in the first place? Maybe the fact that she ran up and down searching for matches everywhere eventually made her pass out. Why? Because she let gas leak from the stove before realizing she can't find matches to light the fire. In other words they were literally one step away from blowing up. But this was pretty much what a sober Anne would try to do anyway.

Finally reaching the medicine, Skylar took her necessary and started searching for the only missing individual - Damian.

'Thinking it over - he can't even walk properly while drunk, there is no way he is upstairs' Bringing a soft blanket as well as some fresh water and medicine with her, the female draped the material over her shoulders and made her way around the house's backyard. She finally stopped when she spotted the man sleeping soundlessly under the tree by the lake - but that's not all - half the logs stacked under the same hardwood were chopped and re-stacked by the tool that did the hard work. Stepping closer to Damian, she could clearly observe that the boy was shivering like crazy. Her first thought was to take the blanket from her shoulders and swathe it over him, but as soon as the cloth left her body, she felt the arctic air get into every inch of her being.

Not seeing any opening to this, the girl sat down next him and with a swift movement the blanket was hugging both of them. Knowing she can't move him on her own, Skylar just made herself comfortable- locking her hands around Damian's arm and letting her head rest on his shoulder- while waiting for both of them to warm up.

"This is torture" The snowy-haired female spoke, bringing her knees to her chest.

Then something she didn't see coming happened: She was lifted off the ground and put into something hard and cold - Damian's chest.

What now? Trying to escape? Not even a chance. 'Guess he really started working out'

"You're so fucking dead when you come alive again"

As minutes have passed Skylar could already see that the only and best thing to try to do was obviously try to get comfortable again and wait for the guy to wake up. So she did her best to stand still, and eventually pass out listening to that asshole's heartbeat. 'Funny how he isn't able to climb stairs but he morphs in a damn lumberjack while being drunk'

And after about an hour Damian finally started coming into his senses. Sighing and stretching himself for no more than seconds, his body involuntarily bended, both his hands in his hair crying out in pain. "I'm never drinking ever again"

"Lies" Came a response he wasn't actually waiting for.

Curiously, he put his hands away only to be met with Skylar's big hazel orbs. Then a wrapping of painkillers was thrown at him, along with a bottle of water.

"Wha- why am I ... are we in the backyard ? And what happened last night?" There were a lot of questions hovering in the man's head which he actually got to ask after finally taking that damn medicine.

"Not much really. Kyle and Dimitri just played around and Anne almost killed us. You just passed out chopping logs."

"Then why are you here too?" He continued his interrogatory.

"You were freezing and I came to cover you up, but your drunk self didn't like the blanket that much" She tiredly remarked.

"Are the others awake?" Damian changed the subject, not feeling like getting up from their warm cocoon yet.

"I don't think so."

After some good minutes of debating if the two should leave or not their comfortable spot by the lake the decision was finally made.

"I'm starving. Let's make some pancakes"

Damian saves the day again.

And so the duo ran their way to the house, stumbling in the kitchen and preparing everything as good as a pair of not-so-drunk but not-so-sober people could do better.

And this is how the pancake war began.

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