confiding in a Heather

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Kurt's POV:

I stare at Heather McNamara, hoping she'll understand what I'm going to say next is the most important thing.

"Heather, you need to understand that you can't tell ANYONE what I'm about to say, got it?" I said, putting my hand over hers.

She nodded saying "Sure."

I sighed putting my face in my hands. "Well it's two things really."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, spit it out!"

I gulped before saying "First off, I'"

She gasped. "No shit?"

I nodded my head. "No shit."

She had her hand over her mouth. "What's the second thing?"

I gulped again before saying really fast. "IreallylikeRamlikesomuchicanthandleitanditkindahurtsnottellinghimbecauseithinkitmightevenbeloveandidontknowhowtohandleit"

She stared at me. "What? I couldn't understand any of that."

I sighed before saying it more clearly, "I really like Ram, like so much I can't handle it and it kinda hurts not telling him because I think it might even be love and I don't know how to handle it."

She gasped again. "You're kidding!"

I shook my head. "I wish I was..."

She laughed "well I gotta go, ya homo!"

I knew she was joking, but I cringed at the word anyways. "K. I'll see ya later Heather."

"I thought I told you to call me Mara! You're my best friend after all!" She said, staring at me.

I nodded. I hoped she wouldn't tell anyone about what I said. She walked out of the Starbucks silently.

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